Swipe shitcoin or not?

Got 10K to invest. Tell a newfag your opinion.

Attached: 9441BD29-AB50-4D48-B50F-FB0183ABE67E.png (250x250, 14K)

You missed the pump and dump.

>actually thinking CZ wont push this to new highs before staking starts

It's the next CRO on steroids.
It's consolidating, it touched 2$ and now will crab for a few days before mooning past 2$ into price discovery.
It's a good time to buy desu, 200m$ volume without media coverage, so it doesn't matter if we shill it or not, CZ turned the bots on and whales are buying, that's the reason explaining that volume.

what this guy said
personally I bought today not the best entry but I'm gambling on a big rush of new buyers when ATH is broken
Looks like a steady climb so far so I feel the odds are in my favor (not getting dumped on) and the market cap is pretty large.

I made $3K off this coin in 4 hours. Why would I get married to it?

Shitcoin. Dumping now, get out. Ask yourself why the fuck binance would need a credit card

not sure if fud?

Er I dunno faggot maybe some people would just like to spend bitcoin direct out of their Binance account rather than sell for USDC then send it to coinbase then sell them wait an unknown amount of time for Coinbase to send the money to your account. Also if you buy a fake ID on DNM you can open a swipe account with a fake address and spend fundas tax free.

to increase the trading volume on their site

The more a coin pumps, the more you buy it fren. This is the way.

Also If my spelling is bad Im fat fingering on my mobile phone.

>fudding a 200 million $ token
Yep seems like a good entry, I missed ampl because it kept mooning so much and I didn't get in.
I'm honestly bullish as fuck on this, I know the shills 1re saying a billion $ mc etc... but I honestly don't see why it wouldn't, CRO went from 400m to 2b when they announced staking, and Swipe is probably being bought massively by whales right now, I don't see any other reason why it's mooning, and if the staking rewards are good then expect this to moon like nothing we've seen yet, you just can't bet against Binance at this point, and a binance crypto debit card will be used by enough people that the staking rewards will be profitable as fuck.
Shit I'm going going to order one once it's available where I live, I don't want to cash out everything at once and have to pay taxes.
Plus, they have usd btc eth busd swaps, so you can also use it like coinbase, I guess eventually they'll merge it to the binance app, but this might not happen since binance has too much shit normies will never use, maybe they'll change the name to Binance Swipe or something like this in the future, but if they already planned this then why announce staking in august 1 (leaked from the app), so they'll probably keep it independant.
I'm just trying to fud it and replying to myself honestly, haven't seen a legitimate fud yet.

is waiting 1week being married? lol

Yeah im sure that will go over real smooth in any non third world country

>implying the jews don't have their visa system everywhere in the world

I misread my bad, error deleting.

It's a pretty easy 3x even from here. Binance OWNED project. Do you know what that means? It means that they paid their own money to acquire it. Cz doesn't seem like the kind of guy who likes wasting money. This is going to continue climbing until he is solidly in profit.


Alt-Season 2020 Is Officially Confirmed, Says Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao.

"I'll make sure Swipe (SXP) is the market leader this season."

It's not just that. Binance's upcoming debit card is literally built on Swipe. This isn't just owned by Binance, it's going to be a core part of their entire platform and network.

I made good profits on this the last few days but sold earlier at almost the top... Just bought back in and it dumped 6 cents in the last five minutes- Turn on the bots you bastard!

FUCK! What's happening!!! dumping like crazy now. FML


BTC dumping! I feel like panic selling

You're buying into FOMO. You will lose. Buy coins like BNT that have been sideways for a bit after its last leg up.

This will dump hard when people realize its useless.

$1.59 will be today's low.

go away doggi

Its $1.52 now! 60% of the last 2c days profit gone in 1 fucking hour. Someone wake that chink fuck up and get him to sort it out.

$1.55 i mean but still. Fuckkk

Tone down the racist nature of your post dickwad

Fuck off nigger!

biz is the support line of bitcoin.com

just look at the matic's rally. NO COIN wil just go up and up without some dump. this is healthy.