Attached: detective-conan-episode-922.mp4_snapshot_22.00_[2020.07.02_21.23.31].png (581x659, 238.76K)
Comfy Conan thread
Jordan King
Nicholas Wood
Can do, OP.
Benjamin Robinson
Has the uh, "Lucky Star crossover" been uploaded yet?
Julian Barnes
Haha get fucked epickeks your free game never arrived
Ayden Moore
Who's free game?
Jose White
user was making a lame joke by bringing up conan the barbarian when op started a thread about detective conan. Conan exiles was leaked as a free epic store game but never arrived.
Justin Jenkins
Oh, alright then.
Lincoln Wright
Doesn't get any comfier than Cutebara.
Christopher Davis
Still waiting on that Haibara Caretaker simulator.
Lucas Flores
Would you? I would.
Carson Fisher
One of these days, man. One of these days.
Dominic Ortiz
>there was a murderer who killed someone because they threw a clothes hanger at them
Lincoln Thompson
I'm going to murder you for posting text that's green.
Elijah Jenkins
She isnt happy much anymore.
Dominic Garcia
Is Conan really 6?
Parker Rivera
has anyone ever counted how many days passed in the series (inlcuding when they said that something in the last episode happened a few days or weeks ago)? I mean, conan should be nearly at the same age as he was before shrinking.
Cameron Howard
Little over half a year.
Mason Jenkins
So for Haibarafags who is your 2nd favorite girl?
Christopher Robinson
>when you want to enjoy some cozy murder mysteries but the characters are drawn like goblins now
Josiah Johnson
New episode tomorrow, after a little over 3 months. I don't care if it's a filler I've missed it and I was worried the reruns were going to last at least one more month.
Eli Hall
how is this possible? The series has over 900 episodes and most of the episodes cover two days.
Tyler Nguyen
Fillers aren't canon which cuts that down by a lot, also floating timeline.
Benjamin Scott
I dig Ran and Vermouth, also Conan's mom, she's super cute.
Ryan Powell
Belmotto, Sera, Minerva, Satou-san and Eisuke are top too
Ian Walker
Just a reminder that this guy is Rum
Michael Bell
Eisuke is a fucking dude.
Kayden Rodriguez
There has to be a drug that turns people into cute little girls. I bet Haibara has some.
Parker Cooper
>tfw she's reading this thread right now
Logan James
I'm glad to see some secondary girls get some love. I guess Sato isn't really secondary with how many love stories her and Takagi had, but she doesn't seem to be primary. Minerva certainly counts though, she was pretty hot. Too bad she was introduced after the art shift, imagine if was the best we got of Vermouth and pic related never existed.
Brody Cruz
Nips can't read English so we are good
Gavin Morales
Yeah, I prefer the old art style too. Got used to the new one but older episodes are peak comfy. I can still remember the first time I watched those.
Conan has tons of great secondary girls,too. I forgot about Kazuha and Yumi. There is a whole bunch of really neat character designs.
Brayden Green
I want to tickle her!
Luke Johnson
So she wouldn't know that I find her very cute and lovable? Shame.
>lewding Cutebara
There's a special place in hell for your kind.
Oliver Butler
I want to someday restart watching Conan from the very beginning. I remember watching hella lot of episodes when I was younger, but stopped around the time the organization and stuff started happening now and then (maybe around 300 episodes in? I don't know).
Anyways, does time pass in Conan or it basically remains the same from ep1 to 900?
Dominic Powell
Reminder that Haibara is an OLD woman on the inside.
Samuel Roberts
Not only did the art style look better back then, but there were more intentionally sexy shots of the women. Now you get some occasional stuff in the manga that gets altered to be less sexy in the anime. They couldn't do jack shit with the black bunnies case but they still changed that one shot of Rumi. Makes me wonder what the situation in Japan is these days about female fanservice. Whatever it is, it can't get as bad as America.
I thought this was going to be that awful foot fetish picture but it was even worse.
Christian Cook