It's expensive.
Scanlation Thread
what happened to ripper user?
wtf bros? I thought the plural was manga? and now this japanese speaking person adds the s? what gives?
Don't use a name to make it even easier
>5 hours straight
>4AM to 8AM
Those costs exist anyway
Just don't have one
>All You Ned Is Kill
Why did you dig up some dead group's shit from over half a decade ago to start crap?
Is he not responding to emails anymore?
yeah according to some user he has been gone for like 3 weeks
I don’t buy it. A lot of those costs are things everyone pays for anyway. (Who doesn’t have Internet?)
And maybe one person might take a long time to translate a chapter, but with five people it definitely shouldn’t take that long.
You don't need a website
Well he's not begging for money so that's good.
> font leading settings went totally bonkers after installing new fonts
> resets preferences
> back to normal again
> lost all my actions
Fucking hell, it's wiped clean. I don't what the fuck happened.
ungrateful slaves
Does anyone want to translate?
First he says he spends 32-50 hours a week, then he says he spent 5 hours finishing a chapter.
So he releases AT LEAST 6 chapters a week?
Sounds to me like he's biting way more than he can chew.
>down to 933px raws
Guess I'll wait half a year for the tank.
> $100 website maintenance
Why not use mangadex
Yes but I don't speak/read Japanese. Ask me again in half a decade.
It's always the cleaners/TSers bitching, never the TLer
Mangadex goes down all the time lately and a website is useful for providing download links or making announcements.
But he doesn't need to pay for one. A blog on wordpress is good enough.
>8 pages of scanny whining and cope at the very beginning of the chapter
> Advertising another (their own) website
Is that not against the rules?
What do people gain from scanlating and translating? They do all for free right?
They put time and effort without anything in return?
If it is like this, then you fan-translators and fansubbers are amazing people.
>What do people gain from having hobbies? They do all for free right? They put time and effort without anything in return?
So how do you add a release on mangaupdates?
> What do people gain from scanlating and translating?
Anyone got raws for any of these?
Would love you.
You dump it on mangadex and with until some nerd does it for you.
I do it for free. Mostly for myself.
That's a pretty bad way to start a scanlation thread OP
E-penis, a sense of personal accomplishment, e-penis, and some people are willing to pay to get that loli scat doujin translated.
>finally confident enough in nip to start translating
>Everyone wants gooks and chinks now
Fuck me.
why would you want to cater to retards? more than enough nip stuff around
Does any translator want to work with me on this? I got the raws
Well yeah, you're right. But still, it's kinda annoying.
What's the best onomatopeic words dictionary around? I'm using the jaded network.