One Piece

>Black Maria
>15 LITERS OF MILK in both breasts
No wonder Yamato's such a big and strong boy (girl). He (she) got to drink metric tons of his mommy's milk everyday.

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>Marco will fight Kin-

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Good, Marco vs King would've been boring anyway. King needs to go out after a good old sword fight.

so she's Yamato's mother or not

Nah. Yamato is too small to come from that pairing. Kaido probably fucked some normal chick because he has a small micropenis relative to his size.
Guys with small feet have small penises

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Kaido is a giant midget and Black Maria is a midget giant, so obviously the kid would be normal sized.

isnt Maria a name exclusively for saint or nun

That's nun-ya business


they do kind of have the same horns

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