3x3 Thread

But the catch is that you have to criticise each work in your 3x3.

You can make one here if you can't edit: bighugelabs.com/mosaic.php

>Sumire 16-Sai (Manga)
A character I really liked only shows up for a little bit, the guy that falls in love with the old man. I feel like he could've been a lot of fun as a main. Manga also ends too early, but ending is flawless anyway, just could've had more chapters before it. My favorite manga.
>Berserk (Manga)
Puck, Isidro don't get enough characterisation. Guts could've been more of a mentor to Isidro and their relationship could've been deeply explored, as to make them closer. Puck has been with Guts the longest, yet they aren't even close. Also, chapters release too slow, but 20 more days until next one, at least.
>HxH (Anime)
Chimera Ants arc starts off too slow and I barely cared about anything but Meruem and Tsumugi (which is a masterpiece). Gon is way too attached to Kite too, could've had more time to develop their relationship. Some villains like Genthru feel unrealistic. The music and animation of the openings is also terrible.
>Grand Blue (Manga)
Author goes for the romance route at the end, I thoroughly believe there shouldn't be any ships and it should stick to just comedy and end with a friendship ending. But that won't happen, MC will end up with a girl, and I dislike that. The arc where they go to MC's house with some old guys creeping on a stranger 13 year old is just weird and doesn't fit, I dislike its premise though I thought it was a good arc anyway.
>JoJo: DiU (Anime)
Fix MC, he's easily the worst part of it. Araki should've definitely gone with Josuke being the guy who saved himself with Bites the Dust taking him to the past. Add more "filler" arcs, and add more length by pairing up unlikely characters with each other leading to entertaining situations. Think Tonio and Koichi for a chapter or two, etc etc. Would make them griefing for Shigechi better.

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>Haikyuu (Anime)
Hinata gets too good too quickly, should've been slower. I wanted some more backstories for teams and MCs. Also, sometimes tries really hard to be funny, but just isn't.
>Death Note Oneshot (Manga)
Bullshit ending with shinigami's adding a rule to beat MC that's too smart and abuses rules. Should've just let him live, he did nothing wrong, would have gone up from an 8.5 to a 9.5 one shot for me.
>Saiki K (Anime)
Saiki isn't that good of an MC. Gyaru needs more characterisations and scenes. I wish there was more Kusuke, and Toritsuka could've used more scenes too as he has the strongest introduction as a new character.
>Sumire 17-Sai (Manga)
Is way too short and there's way too little development. Old man's friends could've been given way more scenes to add length. It has no real ending.

>But the catch is that you have to criticise each work in your 3x3.
I’m going to give a TLDR since I already talked in a little bit of detail the last thread
Utena has an arc that is unrelated to the main plot
.hack//Sign and Texhnolyze have pacing problems
Tamers is limited for being a kid’s show
Petit Cosette has some shock factor moments
Haibane Renmei and Kaiba have protagonists with amnesia
Gankutsuou and Princess Tutu are flawless

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This type of thread wont work twice in a row

Make a thread where you talk about what personally appealed to you. I'm interested to see what people say

>Araki should've definitely gone with Josuke being the guy who saved himself with Bites the Dust taking him to the past
You didn't get the point of the scene. Josuke is a reference to prince and the guy who saved him is a reference to Elvis, Josuke copying that guy's look is a reference to Prince being inspired by Elvis.

3x3 Thread but you have to criticise each work in OP's 3x3 only
>sumire 16sai twice
the joke was old the first time
>death note one shot
ryuk got so assblasted that he had to cheat
copy of slam dunk and eyeshield 21
>hunter x hunter
too much narration and the art is bad
>diamond is unbreakable
kira is a terrible villain and the part is ruined because of it, not even kishibe rohan could redeem it
has been bad since 2001 and no signs of improvement in the yearly chapter we get
>grand blue
not funny
>saiki kusuo
very funny but runs out of steam

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>3x3 Thread but you have to criticise each work in OP's 3x3 only
You subverted my expectations

except the CG mecha battles

>But the catch is that you have to criticise each work in your 3x3.
Come on, user. We've just had this exact thread. It was fun, but no one needs to have the same walls of text every single 3x3 thread. In fact, you should have waited a few days between threads either way.
Oh, and plase don't push people to use that stupid bighugeshit app. The results look horrible and it's not as if making a collage was difficult.

Anyway, I won't copy-paste what I wrote last time, I'll just link to it:



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>Fix MC, he's easily the worst part of it.
Holy shit fuck off. He's the most down to earth character that isn't 2 dimensional in the jojoverse.

Eh, I don't know. I partially didn't like the inclusion of supernatural elements.

Eh, think I'll skip this one

Good. This place will start seeping with autism in another 3 posts anyway.

This thread might not even be around for another 3 (now 2) posts, user.

Now 1

Now none.
Are we autistic yet?

Yes we are, you are a fucking pleb retard npc Zig Forumscore consensus taste

I rike this idea.

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okay, this is based

Ok kinda interesting, i missed the last thread so this one works for me.

>Gurren Lagann
Nothing more than over the top action and fun. A couple of meh episodes. Kamina's death almost made me drop the series.
Really good mystery novel. Likeable characters, although they're kinda cliche. I wanted to fucking punch Satoshi in almost all the episodes.
>Sangatsu no Lion
Beautiful visuals and backgrounds. It's kinda dramatic for no reason in moments when it shouldn't. Some cringy "funny" moments.
>Tatami Galaxy
I watched it in just one day and the narration and pacing caused me a headache.
Top tier waifus. It starts very slow but the payoff it's worth it. I don't have much bad things to say about it.
>Girl's Last Tour
It was completly beautiful and faithful to the manga. The only complain i have is that it isn't finished.
>Ergo Proxy
I have nothing to say about it, it's my favorite anime. Maybe the color scheme but i even like that. I fucking love Re-L.
>Serial Experiments Lain
It is fucking slow so many people could consider it boring. Some themes are hard to fully understand so it might take a rewatch or to read about it.
Snake is best girl. I literally can't stand Araragi, i like every other character except him. The soundtrack it's fucking great.

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Leviathan Part 1 was great, but it really shit the bed when Hobbes made the second half all about his retarded materialist theology.

Explain how HxH is Kafkaesque please

basic bitch af
/lit/ would laugh at you for this

>Kyou kara ore Wa!!
There is no romantic development, very childish on tha front, which is infuriating since the relationships are so prominent, it also turns back on the status quo too much with an episodic nature, instead of developing a bit more.

> One Outs
Some of the tsrategies are too unrealistic perhaps. Toua is sold as great mastermind, but not that good of a player, but the reality is that he's an incredibly good pitcher, which kinda defeats the purpose of making it seem like he's excelling all through his wit. It's not that bad though.

It's been a while, I'm not sure, but a lot of people criticize the simplicity of its politics, but I have no way of knowing how true that is. It feels a bit rushed as well.

>The World is Mine
The end arc feels a bit abrupt, like it just jumps so fast. Also by the end the way the relationship between Mon and Toshi was handled is kinda sad, but might be a matter of taste.

A bit slow? Like the whole wrestler arc is cool and all, but what about the actual main cast?

Could have been more concise. I wasn't a big fan of the ending, but I later realizef how all the extra chapters, really tie it all together very nicely and leave everything answered.

>Bakuon Rettou
The prison arc feels really long, and by the time it ends we're reaching the end and how things are left in the gang feel quite bitter and a bit unsatisfactory. Taste though, some people hate that the MC is an asshole, I love it.

Extremely inaccurate with the true Buddha story and misrepresents Buddhism, or so I have heard.

>Kokou no Hito
Too melodramatic, whenever he ain't on a mountain every character around him is this devilish and malicious begin, too extreme on that end.

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Haha, another one

barely animated, could have made better use of up-and-coming animation techniques to drive home the surrealistic atmosphere it was trying to achieve, something like Sayonara 999 did a slightly better job in that regard
somewhat repetitive format and a few weaker episodes that could have been condensed to streamline their respective arcs
final 3min should have been 10 or more, odds are they ran out of cels or something; music's pretty overbearing at times and should have been used more moderately; not enough fx cuts by its director, focusing on debris; lack of notable background animation
some compositing is jarring to look at, particularly during its finale (sperm whales ended up looking incredibly bad, whale shark seqences looks like shit, too); finale goes overboard with non-traditional animation
characters are pretty flat and one-note; setting isn't diverse enough for my tastes, although it probably wouldn't make sense for the characters to travel through multiple climate zones but whatever
very little animation, character voices sound uncharacteristic and require serious getting used to, character designs while lending themselves to the films underlying themes are hard to tell apart at times, resulting in an inability to tell who's who on first watch
doesn't look particularly good, certainly looks worse than its sequel as far as animation and key frames are concerned; mid part drags slightly and could have accomplished the same in less time
copy-pasted real life imagery, probably just too highbrow for me to understand but I've never managed to get their purpose, are being used too inconsistently (arguably even at random), feels like someone was trying a bit too hard to be special

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Please, not you again.


Just say the names lol what is that 1x1 3x1 BS

>the name dodging pretentious retard again

Names? I recognize Shin Chan, Mind Game, Galactic Railroad and Mononoke