But the catch is that you have to criticise each work in your 3x3.
You can make one here if you can't edit: bighugelabs.com
>Sumire 16-Sai (Manga)
A character I really liked only shows up for a little bit, the guy that falls in love with the old man. I feel like he could've been a lot of fun as a main. Manga also ends too early, but ending is flawless anyway, just could've had more chapters before it. My favorite manga.
>Berserk (Manga)
Puck, Isidro don't get enough characterisation. Guts could've been more of a mentor to Isidro and their relationship could've been deeply explored, as to make them closer. Puck has been with Guts the longest, yet they aren't even close. Also, chapters release too slow, but 20 more days until next one, at least.
>HxH (Anime)
Chimera Ants arc starts off too slow and I barely cared about anything but Meruem and Tsumugi (which is a masterpiece). Gon is way too attached to Kite too, could've had more time to develop their relationship. Some villains like Genthru feel unrealistic. The music and animation of the openings is also terrible.
>Grand Blue (Manga)
Author goes for the romance route at the end, I thoroughly believe there shouldn't be any ships and it should stick to just comedy and end with a friendship ending. But that won't happen, MC will end up with a girl, and I dislike that. The arc where they go to MC's house with some old guys creeping on a stranger 13 year old is just weird and doesn't fit, I dislike its premise though I thought it was a good arc anyway.
>JoJo: DiU (Anime)
Fix MC, he's easily the worst part of it. Araki should've definitely gone with Josuke being the guy who saved himself with Bites the Dust taking him to the past. Add more "filler" arcs, and add more length by pairing up unlikely characters with each other leading to entertaining situations. Think Tonio and Koichi for a chapter or two, etc etc. Would make them griefing for Shigechi better.