This is one of the worst anime I've ever finished. Fuck you for spamming it so much, Zig Forums.
This is one of the worst anime I've ever finished. Fuck you for spamming it so much, Zig Forums
Believing Manwha will not just be shit self-insert shit. The only manwha I like is a returner magic should be special. Also the God of highschool tournament is a manwha adaptation. Don't watch it. Just read the first 20 chapters. Pure Garbage
ToG webtoon is nothing compared to this disguting anime
Baam was turned into a virgin looser so Nips can self-insert
>read webtoon
you readin shit webtoons
read Bastard, legendary moonligth sculpture and Unordinary
It was literally one guy spamming it. Learn to filter spam instead of mistaking it for legit interest.
>Fuck you for spamming it so much, Zig Forums.
It's mostly one retarded ESL italian.
How do you know?
SO is The God of Highschool any better? The animation looks much better than ToG at first glance.
Unordinary? To me it always felt like a weebtoon version of a shitty Wattpad story. Does it get better later on?
He said so and we later got proof because he also doxxed himself by mistake because he's retarded.
Yes, the manhwa is better than ToG.
Jesus, that art style is awful
lamo. you know "(You)"'s don't show up on responses to the OP.
>newfag who has never made a thread
Lurk more.
>not knowing 4chanX adds extra (you)s
Actually the newfag who needs to lurk moar would be you.
>o-oh no he uses an extension!
Stay triggered Tower of Shit fag.
It's fucking kimchi shit, what did you expect retard?
>he's been outed as a newfag and a retard and is now crying
fucking lmao
Stop talking to yourself.
its alright. was a fun watch.
>he doesn't use Zig Forums X
Look at this newfag.
>he has been outed as a triggered ToG fag & won't stop crying
fucking lmao
I dropped ToG on episode 1 actually. I just come to there threads to report and fuck with mentally deranged ToG haters like you.
>getting all his data harvested
>not knowing how to keep your data protected
thank you mario
I do but the extension slows down page loading times so i stopped using it.
>People has been calling American Amerilard or Amerimutt for years on Zig Forums and they could literally take the banter
>Koreaboo gets offended at a little mention of Gook and Kimchi
This moment was in the anime though. Overall it didn't really change much except leave out a few minor scenes.
Either you have shit internet or shit computer. It's fast for me.
No, do not read it. She makes the MC into a mentally ill person just because he was in the right.
My internet is fast compared to most. The fact of the matter is that is slows it down considerably and i need speed for what i do. Also Zig Forums x keeps glitching and loading duplicates of everything. At least on firefox.
Literally for the most part just fanfiction of the author. It's getting the Tokyo Ghoul re treatment for sure. As for the webtoon...Like it or hate it, it's good. 4.5 billion+ views and your hate doesn't change it.
Eh, I use Chrome and it has never done that.
I think it's hilarious that actual Koreans that have Japan living rent free in their heads lurk these threads. How does it feel that the Japanese don't think about you at all while you'll be mad forever?
I guess I'll reinstall it on chrome and do some testing.
I want to fuck endorsi
we know, hatsu