Eden - It's an Endless World! Volume 17

Well Zig Forums, it's time. Time to read some Eden - It's an Endless World! Volume 17™.

>In the panic surrounding a worldwide pandemic which kills 15 percent of the population and cripples many more, a secret organization, the Propater, topples the UN and seizes control of much of the world. A boy and a girl, raised in an abandoned virology research center, immune to the virus, are attacked by the Propater and escape. Based strongly on Gnostic mythology, all major characters are named after gnostic deities, and have analogous roles.
Like sci-fi? Like MUH STORY? Well, this is the manga for you, or so I've heard.


Last time: The colloid has formed into a global network. Hannah reunites with Cherubim and leaves to return to the island she grew up on.
desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Eden - It's an Endless World! Volume/
Volume 1: Volume 2: Volume 3: Volume 4: Volume 5: Volume 6: Volume 7: Volume 8: Volume 9: Volume 10: Volume 11: Volume 12: Volume 13: Volume 14: Volume 15: Volume 16:

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