1. Konosuba
2. Kaguya-sama
3. Re:Zero
4. Oregairu
5. K-on
6. Kill la kill
7. Symphogear
8. Haruhi
9. Fateshit
10. Kakegurui
Most overrated anime on Zig Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Where's Bakemonogatari et al.?
You forgot LOTGH and code gayass
I will take those over battle shonenshits any day
Oregairu is good.
Oregairu is dogshit.
You're not very smart are you? It deserves more attention than it gets on Zig Forums
You forgot Madoka.
None of those are as overrated as:
One Piece
Hunter x Hunter
My Hero Academia
>not Evangelion
Where is 5toubun!?!?!
I don't know what people get out of calling things overrated, it's not like you're commenting on quality, just the difference between your own and others' perception. Is it solely ego stroking?
>Kakegurui over motherfucking Eva and Code Geass
OP has a very strong newfag aura
Welcome to my filter subhuman-kun.
See you again never.
And this is why it would deserve to be on anyone's top 10. EE alone knocks off at least 2 or 3 entire points for the series.
1. No Game No Life
>no Madoka
>no VEG
>no DBZ
>no OP
Nigga you just killed Zig Forums in a single post.
Thanks for the list of anime to watch xD
>mfw of those, I only watched ReZero
Feels good to be a pleb
Nah, it's overrated garbage. 90% of its worth is nostalgia points, which are 100% of the time not justifiably placed. It's the SAO of generic high-school thrillers that destroyed an entire decade's worth of anime.
tl:dr COPE
You forgot Kimetsu
missing ikamusume and nichijiou
>watched 1/10
is there a bigger way of signalling you're a sheep with no actual opinions of your own than if you unironically use "overrated" as a term of criticism?
It's more of a criticism of the plebs that overrate it than the actual show.
Gurren Lagann, not so good.
if you're gonna make the same bait thread again, at least include
STFU toubuntard
Where’s KnY?
monogatari is pretty fucking terrible
>id take slice of life over battle shounen
yeah because you have no life
That's right, keep not saying it. You fags know better
1. One Piece
2. Naruto/Boruto
3. My Hero Academia
4. Akame Ga Kill
5. Sword Art Online
6. Chainsaw Man
7. Demon Slayer
8. Promised Neverland
9. Fairy Tale
10. Full Metal Alchemist
that shit just sorta bored me. I appreciate the fights, but I couldn't really be bothered with the story. Not a huge gundam fan, so maybe that's why.
no one replied because monogatari is objectively good if you don't have a room temp iq
Madoka is severely underrated, both on Zig Forums and elsewhere.
All true, but then again nobody actually rates Kakegurui except the very small fanbase on its threads, while everyone else rightfully shit on it. Put Evanshition on its place for maximum accuracy.
Honestly, the most overrated piece of shit anime is whatever you like
Pretty sure nobody outside the containment threads actually likes Oregairu
This. Muh i want something Geeenuine waaahhh yukinon!!
In that universe is that shit underrated?
Whatever happened to shitting on gun animes like Upotte. You know, animes that are literally just about guns and weapons? It's literally lolicon with guns who are also highschool girls.
yeah the political arc was so lame I will give them credit the battles Kamina and especially the final battle made a 3/10 show go to 7.5/10