Post your stack

Bits are for boys. Metal is for men.

Attached: Bits are for boys. Metal is for men..jpg (1600x1200, 268.48K)

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sure hope your scrap metal doesn't crash

I have a few dozen of these

Attached: silver-chad.png (415x348, 100.63K)

Based and argentum'd. I've been handling my stash with Coronachan gloves lately, since they're around. Wear the mask.

I will just buy more

6000 years and they still have value. Let me know when buttcoin has had its 1st century of holding value.

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real deal, I knw where there's literal tons of silver on the hillside

like 20 tons of it just sitting by the road in an old silver mining town. and that's nothing to the millions of tons underground

buy all you want. It's trash metal

>real deal, I knw where there's literal tons of silver on the hillside

>like 20 tons of it just sitting by the road in an old silver mining town. and that's nothing to the millions of tons underground

>buy all you want. It's trash metal

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I deal scrap metal and even I won't pick up silver ore. It's trash. Costs more to refine than it's worth.

keep driving prices up though. If you ever hit $100 per ounce I'll get rich

>buy all you want

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i unirionallcy thought that silver was rare. im selling everything now how can i be so friggin dum

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it's not rare where I live

maybe where you do

>I know where to find 11 million dollars just sitting on the side of the road
sure you do

If you dont own Reichsmarks do you really own silver?

it'll cost you 10.99999 million to gather it up, ship it, refine it, broker it. Probably more.

the stuff is literally trash

you must be very poor

Metals don't crash like digital coins do

>Metals don't crash like digital coins do

metals are just dirt at the end of the day

Found him

Attached: CUCK.png (2052x966, 469.89K)

Gold is the Money of Kings, Silver is the Money of Gentlemen and Crypto is the money of fools.

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Wish I had the ability to see through dirt and rock for the ores inside like a fucking Minecraft console command irl

i missed that thread

what I didn't miss is millions of dollars of silver lead carbonates sitting on hillsides for miles around my house waiting for prices to hit $100 an ounce so I can sell them and make $5 bucks. Dropping the price of your silly little stack by 6% in a minute.

but we're not there yet, are we?

Everything’s dirt user. Ashes to ashes and all that. Has gold ever been worthless at any point in civilized history?

How can cryptards ever recover?

I'm not saying silver is worthless

i'm telling you as soon as the price goes high enough we have a near infinite supply waiting to dump.


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in my mining district all you have to know is the galena is 40-60% silver and it's everywhere.

take a few samples and fire essay it at a lab

approach the company that owns the stock pile

they will not process it because it will not make them 30 million dollars as a whole

it will make the company mine manager a nice bonus

offer them $0.30c a ton of unprocessed dirt

find a metal refiner and get him to quote you the work

go to a investment bank give them the refining quote and essay to prove the pile

get the loan to process the stock pile

pay back the loan and price of the pile

buy ghost

kill ur self

I do all this for a living

I need you to pump above 50 and I make millions while your price crashes.

and for the record if you pull it off it won't be the first time you've made me a millionaire while your stack tanks.

you own hundreds of ounces, maybe thousands

I own tons.

I can crash your silly little pile in seconds. That's what Zig Forums and /pmg/ dont get. even the smallest miner can destroy you and will

why shouldn't I take your money? I offered for sale and you idiots bought