Literally all you faggots had to do was listen

I shilled this hard on here every day for like two weeks
If you didnt buy you deserve to be poor

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Most don't listen until it's too late. Some of us do though

I didn't buy enough. Knew I should have dumped orn and trustswap for more

I sold to catch the BZRX pump but I think I came out on top (I bought in at listing so kind of high).

What else are you looking at?


I sold my linkies & lend for buying this at 0.09c
0 regrets

chad holding until 1 dollar

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Good, fuck Zig Forums these neets don't deserve Aleph. Its going 5$ easily.

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Uniswap is the most straightforward way to get this right? Can someone plz explain to a brainlet how uniswap determines the price of tokens given that there are no direct buy/sell transactions between individuals?

>Trusting a centralized provider for data from other chains

You are too stupid to have money.

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I 'member when i tried to shill ALEPH here.
Few fokes got in. New i still hodl this one and buying the next micro cap: PIXBY.


Aleph is (or at least claims to be) decentralized

sincerely thank you for shilling this user

Feel foolish for not buying more, I was confident in this shill.

know that feel. My intuition told me this was a no brainer but decided to make a 'sensible' gamble. Lesson learned

Aleph will continue to be shilled here more and more. It's a moon mission just getting started. Buy a bag, user.

Where do you find this stuff when being shilled Zig Forums is way complicated to use

I actually listened. But as others, should have bought more. Still accumulating though

You have to enter the contract address on uniswap custom token area. The contract address is 0xC0134b5B924c2FCA106eFB33C45446c466FBe03e

we are in this together!

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Neo, Binance, Ethereum, Polkadot, EOS, Nuls, Tezos computing interoperability?
for 11M marketcap?

i mean you gotta be a FUCKING brainlet to not understand how big this is.

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Dump this scam for VRA or feel the pain.

Now trending on coingecko. Nice. $1 EOM.

This thing will fly to moon in September

Thank you op

Unironically, you're right.

price prediction?

I bought 2 eth worth, up 300%

thank you good sir

nothing can stop us

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Anyone? Explain it like I’m a sub-Saharan tribal warrior from the 1600s.

$1 waiting zone fellas