can you imagine living in NYC as part of the working underclass? why would anyone subject himself to that? the finance gods spend more on lunch than you make in a month.
Jose Wright
i'm going to ride it with ARKs 500k shares they bought at $15 or something
Kayden Thompson
Haven't really seen that much news on them, it seems more of a long hold than a swing hold.
Snow is good, but country snow is life. Montana mountains, Siberia wilds, Norway fyords, even canacucks quasi-frozen quagmires are pretty comfy to look at.. The euro in mean cries out to leave the south.
Matthew King
dividends are for losers. you don't even beat the pension fund that is s&p. no girl will want you or your tiny dick that isn't able to beat a pension fund
Your mistake is looking at only the last 4 years of tech hype, which is by no means significant. do the same over the dotcom bubble and see what happens. Also do the same over the last 100 years.
>parents evicted me >100 linkies >lost down from 2k to 200 on market >Using savings and unemployment to live with friend until locking in job with college skills
Pension is nice, until the gooberment feels the need to meddle in your affairs and take it for themselves. We literally voted a democratic cunt as a goobner b/c our former idiot for a governor decided to mess with our teacher's pensions.