Hibike! Euphonium

KyoAni has partnered with the Kyoto prefectural census. Check it out here:
S3 is coming gentlemen...I feel it. There's no way KyoAni lets the greatest anime they've ever produced go without a proper ending, especially with all the promotion they're doing. I've heard that some kind of continuation was confirmed but I've yet to see the source of that claim.

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Why do hibike fags have such shit taste? First season 1 was good but everything after that was melodrama garbage. It's pretty average for kyoani.

> First season 1 was good but everything after that
You're a yurishitter, aren't you?

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Anime original ending hopefully.

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Let this franchise die already

I just saw Liz to Aoi Tori
Was breddy gud

Oh boy more het vs yuri shitposting

Definitely not, hibike yuri fags should be shot. I just don't see what about it could be someones favorite. It looks good and has great character designs but everything else is pretty meh imo.

If I lived in Kyoto I would be insulted.

Yurifags already lost and were utterly BTFO both by the source material and the adaptation, if they're still at it it just shows that their wounds still haven't healed. I pity them.
Well, at least you're not a yurifag. I see eupho as the absolute peak of "girls doing their best" anime.