Why does this series recieve so much praise on Zig Forums? Now don't get me wrong, I don't find it egregiously bad. However, having read all the chapters, it just seems like a slightly better version of One Piece.
It has the same adventure focus, strong worldbuilding, slowly expanding core cast who each has a different reason for reaching the endgoal, and mystery elements.
However, it also has many of the same pitfalls, such as relying on asspulls to solve most scenarios, babying the audience by constantly telling the core themes despite showing it well enough, having inconsistent pacing (which is far less excusable in a non-weekly series), and crutching on flashbacks as the only way to expound on and develop characters.
Dungeon Meshi
>it just seems like a slightly better version of One Piece.
>it just seems like a slightly better version of One Piece.
>it just seems like a slightly better version of One Piece
I swear this must be the only manga most of you fucks have read.
>it just seems like a slightly better version of One Piece.
>it just seems like a slightly better version of One Piece.
Reminder that if you put sage in the option field you won't bump the thread
You might want to exclude certain retarded statements from your OP if you want any real discussion.
>it just seems like a slightly better version of One Piece.
When I write something like this people usually tell me "what did you expect from a cooking comedy". I've been expecting at least more drama from this manga, because I sense it has some potential.
It's still a good reading, thanks to the art and humor. Still, I like Kuutei Dragons better.