It's a harem anime

>It's a harem anime
>The older girl/cake/milf is there for fanservice and making the other girls feel insecure but doesn't actually make a move on the MC
>She's not really a part of the harem

Why do they do this? What can men do against such reckless faggotry

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Any shows/mangas that break away from that mold? Where it seems like its going for the classic girl next door/childhood friend route then all of a sudden big titty monster takes over the romance options and wins?

It seems like the titty monster never wins unless she was the prime option from ep 1

She's the true beacon of hope for a changing era. Senseis are starting to be main girls in LN harems as well.

And it's fucking bullshit. Don't know about any.

Japs fear the tittay and so relegate the titty monsters to background characters with no chance with their OC self-insert

>girl never wins unless she was the prime option from ep 1
yup, sounds like harem & romcom alright

>Senseis are starting to be main girls in LN harems as well.

No man wants to touch hags.

This is ideal 2d not 3d. If Mikado does nothing for you, you might as well chop your dick off.

It wouldn't be as engaging, the totty monsters are antagonists simce they have the advantage


pic unrelated

BokuYaba would like to have words with you about titty monsters not being engaging or having inherent advantages

The main girl will always be at a disadvantage against The titty monster

When did she ever made a move on rito?


In Onegai Sensei, the MC's friends are all trying to get him together with one of their classmates who has a crush on him, but he's secretly living with the new teacher (who is an alien space cop or something). Not quite what you were looking for, but pretty close.

When lala turned him into riko

move no, but she liked when has tasted his skill.

Mikado is a turboslut and I love her

She should have lala's role

Because women who like significantly younger man are disgusting.

Who cares, she doesn't even look older, put her in a schoolgirl uniform and she could pass for one of his classmates

>It's a harem anime
>MC has a mom
>She's not really a part of the harem

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Sometimes they are

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Is this why there is so many teen porn in your browser history?

I do.

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Cakes need to be bred before it's too late

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>Zig Forums like cake and hope for 1 winning in a competition
>not liking that multi hit mom

How do I keep cakes from crawling into my bed?

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