Post your favorite Zig Forums / characters or material, and other Anons make assumptions about you
Nice 3x3, Ahmed
Spanish is your primary language
actually greek i guess close enough
I'm concerned that's it's all 2006 Shonen, but at the same time the bulk of the list is Early Yugioh.
I'm detecting a bias here.
You only watch shonen anime. Younger than 25.
You've jerked off everyday for the past 5 years and are going bald.
You're retarded
No, seriously, do you unironically like Neji? How?
Fucking spic nigger
>blatantly, shamelessly admits to liking shounen garbage
>doesn't know how to make a collage without shit fucking logos on the bottom
Kill your fucking self.
I used to watch Naruto with a group of my friends when I was like 10. We'd larp as Team Guy during recess and I always picked being Neji. He has a special place in my heart because of that.
liking neji is what you do way before you watch Hokuto no Ken
Thanks for the recommendation, I've heard of it but never got around to watching.
Man of culture
MAL frequenting teenager
Chill guy but very autistic
>posting Joey jonouchi instead of Kaiba.
Cringe user cringe.
I don't even like LWA TV that much, Ursula is just a nice lady
a dedicated man
12 years old.
Guys: 3/8
Anime/manga: 1/4
You're a bit simpleminded. You're also a bit of a jerk and wish you could get away with it like those shounen protagonists you like.
Also, you're probably gay and into muscular men. And you really need to watch more DIFFERENT anime.
You like Lina and Slayers. Probably a fun guy, unless someone gets on your nerves.
Characters: 5/6
Manga: 3/5
>posts manga
You're strange. And I think you like drama. No idea how you'd get to such a selection of characters though.
Characters: 6/7
Anime/manga: 5/7
You either are a laid-back fun guy, or you at least like to see yourself as one.
Characters: 3/5
Anime/manga: 2/3
I have literally no idea about you.
Kill yourself narutard
Kill yourself narutard
you won't regret it
What the fuck are you on about, you little shit? I hate Naruto.
Sure why not
what kind of person do you imagine?
literally satan