Futanari no Elf

Kawakami's stream is up

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Nice tiddies.

Even nicer peepee.

New character.

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>tansho gets expelled for having a big ass

They all have big asses though.

>recording froze when he flicked through the pages
Not a whole lot of detail yet so it's not really a big deal, but it would have helped get a better grasp of what's going on.

Seems like Public Morals-chan (Shinsei) is berating Tansho for being too sexy and possibly caught her jerking off.
Regardless, Tansho's cute little pecker definitely got a proper reveal this chapter.

I missed it. Anybody got any good caps?

The chapter is in it's very early stages right now.
This is the only page that has been worked on so far.

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That's a nice fat ass. I hope he does a streaming at good hours for me eventually. I've been having insomnia and needed sleep so I missed it.

Well he didn't steal my nude idea, but who cares. This new seems fun enough.

To any person here, download OBS and then record it while keeping an eye on it.There's always the chance he fucks up and forgets to censor something.

Either Tansho is wearing the wrong size skirt or her ass is huge even by lewd futa elf standards

I think the gist is Tansho got caught wearing a cock pad which is a violation of school uniform rules, and has to either take it off or prove its her real size by getting naked

>literally penis inspection day
It just keeps getting better

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holy fuck thats hot

>school mandated sph

is she wearing a thong?

>and has to either take it off or prove its her real size
so do they live in a "big size rule" world?

Oh God please why does the CoD alpha come out this week?

I hope she's publicly nude.

Nopan user.

If I catch streaming, I'll ask him to do public humiliation with the stripping.

I doubt you'd have any influence at this point considering the chapter is already fully planned out, so just save it for another time.

i dont want to see Tansho suffer anymore

That's some serious tansho bullying

Discipline Committee elf needs to get yuri'd

can't wait for NTR/SPH faggots to get btfo when they timeskip reveal tansho's kid with the human

dicklets when will they learn

she's not a dicklet, its just the other girls who are too big

please, tansho is even small for human standards.

is she the right size to fuck Aloe?

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Almost certainly.

She had an erection while wearing a dress and you couldn't tell, she's small even for Zig Forums standards

He says he wants to post the chapter on the 20th. That's less than 3 days away.

I've always wondered about fairy sex. Wouldn't it be better for them if you just used your fingers? Seems like that'd have a much smaller risk of tearing them a new hole.