The Anime Elistim Manifesto

Excerpts from the Anime Elitism Manifesto, written by Anonymous:
"The case of anime elistism is a curious one. It is entirely valid and justified, but still people dismiss it at "toxic", a buzzword I've come to hate as it is often applied to any thing one dislikes.
'Why, why is it valid?', one might ask. The answer is simple. It is a matter of respect and appreciation for the work the other person has done.
And now I propose a new hierarchy among those who call themselves anime fans; a class system based on meritocracy and experience of individuals. The main point of this system are as follow:
1. The lowest caste in this system is the beginner. The beginner is a newcomer; one who has watched only a small amount of anime. The so called 'casuals' are usually part of this class. The beginners also have to be humble, and act as is befitting of their rank. They must be respectful towards those above them and accept that they are of lower worth in this system.
2. The second lowest caste is the Experienced One. He has seen significantly more anime, at least 100 shows. This is the class at which most of Zig Forums stands. This class has earned their superiority over the Beginners, and have the right to remind them of their place. However, they must be humble as well towards those higher than themselves. This caste usually prefers subtitled anime over dubbed.
3. The Elder. This caste of people begins from those who have watched at least 500 shows, and continues all the way to 1000 shows. This group holds superiority over both and as such are also entitled to reminding lower people of their status. But they must not fall prey to the usual pitfalls of thinking themselves better than all other; there is one category above them.
4. The last and greatest category is the アニメ Sage. They are the ones who have watched over 1000 shows. These people most likely speak or at least understand japanese. They are the highest caste of people and all should respect them as far superior."

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"This may sound degrading and like a regression to the class-based society of the old, but this is far from it. Firstly, in the class system of old, your caste was decided by birth and you could not change it. This is in stark contrast to the Anime Elistim Hierarchy, where everyone starts from the lowest rank. The people at the top have reached it with their own effort, and anyone can reach it if they want to. This leads to the second, but equally as important point: you can change your class. With effort you can rise in the ranks.
But there is no shame in accepting your position at the bottom; problems arise only when you act like you don't need to rise in the ranks and act like it is bad to be on the top. This way of thinking is detrimental to all, and prevents good discussion between experienced people.
This system is applicable to virtually everything, and when it is applied to everything, everyone should be at a high rank at something. Thus we get true equality; everyone is an expert at something. Everyone should also be respective towards experts and high ranked individuals of other branches, as they are beginners in that particular interest."

you can watch over 1000 shows and still have shit taste.

It's not so much about taste but respect.
And who are you to define what is shit and what is not? Only the "アニメ Sage" class has that right

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Okay but how do you prove your rank? I can just say I've watched >1000 anime (I have), and you can't prove otherwise

But you didnt define what a Sage was and if it possible to obtain that status. Go back to the drawing board lol

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I did. An アニメ Sage has watched over 1000 shows. It's entirely possible to obtain.
btw Digitranny is a sage by this definition

I wonder if the user in your image still posts here.

id say we should unironically go back to the drawing board and rewirte this, some one who has watched 1000 moe blobs deserves less status than someone who has watch 500 but with various diffrent types and genre of anime

You have to watch anime other than moe to watch 1000 shows.
But yeah, your criticism is valid. Someone who has watched 1000 battle shounens is obviously of lower worth than someone who has watched 1000 moeblob shows

Dude, you are fucking faggot.

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My bad. Although next time specify that Sages are the ones who can define what shitty anime are. But it still doesnt disprove my point a sage can still have shit taste

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t. Beginner

Fair point. But lower people should still respect even shit-tasted Sages for the amount of effort they have gone through to obtain that status

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we could also include many other factors, if you guys are up for it we could write a detailed Zig Forumsnime elitiism manifesto

So even genres have a hierarchy? What's the ranking?

Things I like > things you like

> 8855566
Holy based.

this. It should include the classification of shows by how many elitist points they give you
I propose this:
Moe: 10 points
Serious shows: 8 points
Sci-fi: 6
Romance: 5 points
Subversion or deconstruction of the genre: 3 points
Classic or legendary status: 5 points
Cult classic: 7 points
Obscure: 6 points
Shounen: 1 point (notice that there are many exception to the rules HxH
Yaoi or Shounen Ai: -10 points
Yuri: 3 points

As a general rule. The total amount of points a show gives you is decided by adding these up for every show.
Your rank is decided by the total amount of points you have. also the number of watched shows plays into it with a coefficient of 0.05*(amount of watched shows)

if we are going the Zig Forums elititsm way, shounen is down the pit while moe gets a free pass.

that system will be extremly exploited, we should find a complex mathematical algorithm to add up the points, especially moe, there should be a cool down, if adding more then 10 moe shows, the point drops to 9, if adding 20 moe shows point drops to 8 and so. but then the thing is who the fuck is going to shit down and calculate their total points.

Just make a program that calculates your score based on watched shows on M*L/Anilist/service like that or just a text file with all your wacthed shows.
But the idea to subtract points is good. For example, people who only and exclusively watch moe, are usually not worthy of the sage status. You should watch all kinds of genres in order to really know the medium. There are gems in all genres

Elder アニメ Sage here, I shall answer 1 (one) question from you mortals

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Are traps gay?

3DPD SHIT Fuck off!

What's it like being a higher existence on the plane of mortals?
What operating system do you use? (wrong answer (read: windows or McOS) may take your status away! be careful)

lurk more newfag

>It's not so much about shit taste but respect.
respecting shit taste


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i dont have a mal account, but if we are going that route then i could do it easily since the api is easy to use.

also is it worth it to look back on every anime i watched and add them to mal or something? would take hours and i would probably miss a few. im probably nearing/closing to sage status so it would probably a pain in the ass

only one question?

It's worth it. You kind of get a grasp on the real amount of shows instead of a hazy memory.
And don't worry about not remembering all. I didn't remember at all when I added them and I just add them when I remember

You really expect anyone to read this keyboard diarrhea?

>based on watched shows on M*L/Anilist/
You just dropped 200 ranks in the hierarchy, faget.

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I'm not implying that I use them, I'm implying that many people use them. Although a pure text file interface would filter many people, and as such it would function as a quite effective pleb filter

What's keeping you away from suicide?

>MAL faggotry
Nigger thread

Someone could exploit whatever criteria you come up with. Shorts and OVAs could make number of series worthless (as well as counting multiple seasons of the same show as separate series like most database sites do), amount of episodes is exploited by watching thousands of episodes of long battle shonen shows, watch time is as well. You could come up with some algorithm like people are talking about but I doubt something like that would work well either and the algorithm is likely to include the biases of whoever made it.

>wasting time becoming a アニメ Sage when you could aspire to be a マンガ Übermensch

ITT: Autism
And i love it

>to become a sage you must watch countless trash anime
no thanks

>People who review/write about anime professionally have watched 1000+ shows
>They are without question all braindead faggots with abysmal taste

if we are doing this then the most easy way would be to make a sqlite file of your anime database, with the just the mal id of the anime, with the mal id we can look up the name, tags and the average rating, then we run a alogrythm on the database with would return the points of the user. then we could have a proper hierarchy, but then again, people would be dishonest and add what ever they want, even if they have not watched it and still get the sage status.