Today we will be going through the interviews Kubo did in Jump just before starting TYBW. To get a better grasp of thing Kubo had planned/ had in mind, the things he was able to deliver on and was and what was left for the novels.
BLEACH : Repeat & Reboot intertviews
A new arc begins with WSJ #11!
Repeat & Reboot Vol 1. Birth
Investigating the secrets of Bleach’s new arc for three consecutive weeks!!
The story up until now, as well as plans for the new arc, all straight from Kubo-sensei!!
The “two people” hidden by the tear revealed for the first time!! To find out their true identity, please continue reading!!!
>the final holy war
Fuck bros. We can't retake Jerusalem anymore. That was the last one.
Claiming Ikumi
Orihime is mine
The Gotei 13 Reborn
What happened during those missing 17 months!!?
Captain of the First Division – Yamamoto Genryuusai Shigekuni
A softer Captain Commander Yamamoto
Commander of the entire Gotei 13. Lost his arm due to a sacrificial kido… But did he also change inside!?
Tite Interview
Q: What about Genryuusai’s left arm?
Kubo: He only has his right arm now.
Q: Is that all that’s changed?
Kubo: I think Genryuusai wouldn’t change much from his current state if he trained. Wouldn’t it be strange for someone who’s lived for over two thousand years to change over a period of 17 months? However, he does have unseen, inner changes.
Captain of the Second Division – Soi Fon
Following the deadly battles with Aizen and the Espadas, Soi Fon changed her hair during the 17 month period. Perhaps because the Second Division prizes quickness, her hair is now shorter.
Losing her left hand during the battle with Barragan.
The Second Division Captain, whose duty is assassination, lost her left hand during the battles at Karakura town. Thanks to the top healing skills of the Gotei, it has now been restored.
Tite Interview
Q: What happened to the hand lost to “aging?”
Kubo: Soi Fon’s left hand has been healed.
Q: What about her change in appearance?
Kubo: Her hair has changed a little. Speaking of changes, I also wanted to change Yoruichi, but her current look really suits her, so it’s difficult for me.
Captain of the Third Division – Otoribashi Rojuro
Rojuro has returned to his same position from a hundred years ago. Same as TBTP, his look is modeled on that of a western gentleman. His hair has also become more refined.
The lieutenant of the Third Division is…
Kira remains the lieutenant of the Third Division. How well does he complement his new captain!?
Tite Interview
Ichigo's one horn form should have had long hair and hollowfied limbs like this. He also should have employed more Quincy powers. You don't even see Blut on his arms half the time.
Q: Rojuro has rejoined the Gotei 13.
Kubo: Rojuro and Izuru suit each other very well, so I decided to put Rojuro into the Third Division. I should add that Shinji returned to the Fifth Division, and Kensei returned to the Ninth.
Captain of the Fourth Division – Unohana Retsu
Unohana, who will finally turn her zanpakuto against the enemy and enter battle.
The Captain of the Fourth Division, who has the special duty of healing and is the most senior captain next to the Captain Commander, will finally enter battle, and release her reiatsu & zanpakuto in the new arc.
Tite Interview
Q: Unohana will finally fight?
Kubo: In the next arc, I’ve decided that Unohana will enter the battlefield. Her zanpakuto’s true form will also be revealed. I can also add that when Unohana fights, she unravels her large braid.
Next time: Kubo-sensei describes the new arc’s battlefield!! Also, the Gotei 13 Reborn
>soi fon
What's everyone's favorite shitty translation quote from these 54 volumes of Bleach?