One Piece

Our poor mammoth needs a break. Won't somebody help him?

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Furry disposal is a tough job, but it's rewarding. I'm sure Jack takes pride in his work.

Jaya and Skypiea are peak One Piece

Indubitably, old chum!

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Carrot is going to be the only Strawhat to actually ask to join the crew right? Luffy and co will be about to leave and she's going to be begging to go with them.

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Can Crocodile defeat Eneru

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Robin demanded to join and Luffy agreed.

Carrotfags continuing to show they haven't read any part of the series before furfag island.

She just got on the ship and said "I'm joining your crew because you owe me".

Did you know? This guy appeared in the dump in Luffy's flashback over 200 chapters before Carrot debuted.

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