Literally the same characters.
Why is the romcom genre so creatively bankrupt?
Literally the same characters
Ichika = Asumi
Nino = Sensei
Miku = Rizu
>putting Itsuki and Fumino together
It's 100% accurate.
both lived with the MC for a while
Except Uruka is nothing like Yotusuba you faggot
>athletic sports genki airhead
Don't read anything that identifies itself as haremshit if you want something good. Also Asumi and Sensei are actual characters unlike every other shallow husk in that image.
>Also Asumi and Sensei are actual characte-
Based taste
terrible post
Aren't the two authors friends or something like that?
>Why is the romcom genre so creatively bankrupt?
That's where you're wrong, between both of these manga.
>One had a ending where one girl won
>while the other one came up with a genius idea to let all female leads win in their own route.
>pairing miku with literally the worst girl of bokuben
>I used to skate, now I don't.
Terrific backstory! Bravo!
>Liking Miku
>hating Asumi
reddit normalfag taste checks out.
I wouldn't be surprised if it's actually the same person given how identical the characters are.
Literally the same character.
Reminder that Ichika and Uruka are best girls respectively
Ichika = Asumi
Nino = Rizu
Miku = Mafuyu
Yotsuba = Uruka
Itsuki = Fumino
You had one job OP.
The only thing in common between these ten girls is their fucking bad taste in men.
Nonibros...they're making fun of us again
how the fuck is Itsuki = fumino?
Goes for hated ones too.
They found out that they were in love with Fuutarou and Nariyuki in the later chapters, but they did nothing about it. They also like to eat a lot.
Because they're mostly written by people who have never been in a relationship.
Other than comparing Yotsuba and Uruka the rest aren't even close. Ichika is closer to Asumi if anything.
Ichicute = Ashumi (onee-san)
Nino = Fumino (most controversial character)
Meeku = Rizu (autistic)
Yots = Uruka (tomboy retard)
Eatsuki = Sensei (teacher)
Love Nino!
Hate Nino!
Why is Nino controversial?
I don't read either mangas but I always see threads complaining about her or calling her a slut