What you watched, what you expected, what you got. Let's do one of those threads

What you watched, what you expected, what you got. Let's do one of those threads.
Starting with some fresh OC.

Attached: Inuyashiki.png (2552x936, 1.87M)

Here's the template.

Attached: Template.png (2330x936, 16.28K)

Not mine, but

Attached: uryHprO.png (1100x500, 773.27K)

Weird, I intended to start that series today.

Uh, sucks for you user.

Heres a tip, don’t

Attached: 1593630425764.jpg (1169x391, 175.38K)

Attached: 1594338051024.png (800x365, 329.11K)

Attached: Hare + Remina.jpg (1942x750, 669.84K)

Even if it's bad, it'll be a formative experience. I'm on my way to reach my goal of watching 100 shows, so that I stop being a newfag, and enjoyed most of them. Watching something bad will get me to develop my own taste.