>She was underaged
In three words describe your first time having sexual intercourse!a
OP's fat mom
We were underaged
bags of sand
could not ejaculate
She raped me
No one ever ejaculates except in porn
She was underage
In friends bathroom.
It's wierder than you think
Plastered small black
On the one hand, she was a virgin, so had no idea and just thought I was some uberchad because I fucked her on & off for hours.
On the other hand, that fucking pain. Holy shit.
Never felt such pain before.
>uncle Jerry ;(
I didn’t cum
Niggers. Tongue. Anus
It wasn't consensual
What? You asked for 3 words, I wrote them. What's so weird about it?
i choose picachu
Normalniggers get out
Nothing I'm joshin u
Nothing was gained.
Will never happen.
Fuck off to Zig Forums
All of you
Nigga Cock Balls
wait this is /pol?
jesus christ...... truly a dead board
It didn't fit
no gay, amazing id
Whos Josh? What's he got to do with it?
Need more info
still hasn’t happened
stinky drunk pussy
>do I pay first or...
could barely get hard due to pressure, was so excited
girl thought there was something wrong with her, lul
Single Black Mom
I was underaged.
Ahhh a man of culture and high taste
I got bribed.
>Where's the hole?
East Asian Masseuse
>where's your dick?
Payed for pussy
fat titless tindernegress
>my knees hurt
Two stroke Loui
I was eleven
Candy Raver Slut
nice joke op
big fat titties
Grandad fingered me
Rub and cum
Never gonna happen
I regret it
orgy, accidental incest
>I was underaged
TES Oblivion Necromancer
Best post
Imagine the smell
uncle noooooooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Dead on floor
Sex is overrated
Best friend's girl.
Sister came first
Succubus, now alimony
Mmm, OK.
>Be me
>36, wizard, thinking 40-Year Old Virgin is a documentary of my life
>Somehow manage to attract a solid 8/10 girl
>Explain to her it's my first time but after like two decades of watching pr0n I have capital-I Ideas about what I'd like to try
>Undress her slowly in front of a mirror, make her cum with my fingers (seriously how the fuck can you retards not locate the clit?)
>Push her down on the bed and eat her out
>Missionary after that
>She cums like two dozen times
>Wait to recover, she wanted our first time to be romantic and after that kinky, tie her up, put collar on her, etc
>We're now engaged
Maybe there's hope for us all, anons.
analed my coworker.
imagine the smell
> came in seconds
I loved her
sloppy sixty-nine
> mom stop it
Based ID
It's lower down
Room temperature pussy
Couldn't Stay Hard
Is it in?
my butthole bled
Came too fast
Not enough spit.
wouldn't stop bleeding
Couldn't stop fartin
Came too fast.
Very Wilde Cowgirl
> she couldnt stop farting ( 4 times)
> Dont get me wrong femanon i really appreciate and rather enjoy this "69" thing
> but pretty sure i cant take another 65 of those
I kept fartin and they smelled really bad. I could see she wasn't havin a good time and she even gagged at one point but I was able to ejaculate and she even moaned a bit. My butt sweat combined with the farts and I left a stink print on her bed and her friends would always joke about taking turns smelling my roast beef egg fart spot on the bed
Bust a nut
That's four words
Couldn't get hard
This is Slidethread
>my first what?
Came in 5
>"Did it break!?"
Four words
We love you aussie friend
>Never spoke again
This is me
She was tight
>Vagina Needs Stretching
Threesome, two girls.
Father Dan no
Came to fast
fucking kek
Cringy bondage attempts
Will never happen.
Worse than masturbating
Unrelated but does anyone else fucking hate Shinji? Worst character ever.
premium b8, kudos O.P.
Sure. Three words for my experience.
>I raped her.
Three words for her experience.
>She liked it.
No, I'm not memeing.
Incredibly based
bless your cunt
autistic, like me
Hard to finish.
Non exist ant
it went soft
Her friend watched
raped your sister
Oof based
masturbation was better
I’m not a whore, so I haven’t had sex and won’t until marriage.
Still love her!
I’m 23
Now ima dad
It was okay
>not a whore
But are you fat?
Do y’all think that losing one’s virginity has the same meaning for both sexes in terms of emotional bonding?
What the what?
Bind. Torture. Kill
Underage anorexic slut
>people all around
Ginger ,thorny,and awkward
Our wedding night
Both were 15
goddamnit user /thread
>Our wedding night
_SHIT_ where do you find WOMEN who would or even COULD say that??? MEN, on the other hand...
these days it seems EVERY FEMALE OVER the age of 14 has been CHERRY POPPED by some GOD DAMNED CHAD...
(and acts like "pic related")
the condom broke
21 with roommate
that was 8 years ago, now she's my wife
Awkward and fumbly.
Playboy centerfold hot.
"is it safe ?"
no condom
Erectionless with condom.
black and yellow
doesn't have penis
i ran away
Extremely boring 0/10
i was underage
Hooker in HongKong
> black and yellow
Every single time (see flag)
Colony collapse syndrome caused by jews
> dude you sexed a bumble bee
it was meh
fat hooker swallows