Reminder :

Reminder :

Change your DNS to

to bypass any kind of government and ISP censorship.

Doesn't work if you are in mainland China. Sorry.

Attached: 1554781055643.jpg (768x1024, 52.4K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why should I trust this?

I hate you pornposters

Can't you see DAT ASS?

He's legit.

can you explain this?

Nice try your Russian troll

Attached: 5920CAA9-035F-4AD2-9B8C-F84E91AF492A.png (828x1792, 337.05K)

You can google/bing/whatever about that dns and find out yourself.
No need to trust me. Just trying to help because I saw in other thread that bongs can't access specific videos due to their censorship.

Fuck off cyka

fuck off rabbi

I said the opposite, you black dog

Although I agree with you for him being a Russian troll that should fuck off, I would trust a russian server more then an american server. USA is literally the most fucked up country in the world.

Shut up Serveroid, LLC. You suck.

Lmao shut the fuck up Dominican. You're shit-tier even within the Caribbean.

downloading this image will troy your backdoor.


>AdGuard Software Limited was founded in 2009.[6] As of 2017 the headquarter was moved to Cyprus while most developers are still located in Moscow.[7]
This sounds crazy but although I don't trust (((amerimutts))), I don't trust Russians either.
This website runs on Cloudflare so I'll stick to Cloudflare because if they want to fuck us, we'll get fucked anyway.

I'm american you retard. I just hate the USA and moved out of it.

Attached: 46D6284D-5F82-4C0A-8A35-DA93B0B98DC3 (1).jpg (3257x2533, 1.46M)

>Russian DNS
>Plantext DNS
>Porn posting
>"to bypass any kind of government and ISP censorship."

Dont trust this glow nigger go to and implement DNSSEC for actual security anons.

Attached: 1582826197913m.jpg (812x1024, 61.18K)

Russian government has no authority on adguard. And it is open source.

It has DNSSEC enabled by default and all of your dns queries are encrypted

>dns queries are encrypted

Attached: IMG_20200501_184954.jpg (1070x2242, 531.94K)

Seriously, how much does the SVR or whatever Russian intelligence agency pay you for this? I need money to pay my bills, how can I apply to sell my soul lol?

memeflag shills are employed by totalitarian shitholes like china and russia to subdue information

Do you want to collaborate on a website I'm developing? It key purpose will be to teach about the doctrine of fascism, as well as exposing pysops.
The website isn't up yet but you can reach me at [email protected]
I have big plans for this project

That feel when no jap qt to mating press.

Sure. I'll email you.

you abandoned your brothers you fucking pussy

What's the point of doing this?
Quick rundown?

Attached: 1587172489452.jpg (201x197, 6.95K)

Those are adguard dns. Useful, but 100% monitored. Better to get something out of it than giving data to google for free though.
The problem with those dns is that sometme they go offline. Use an other dns as secondary.

It is to prevent Jews from sniffing on your internet packages as well as blocking ads natively on your devices without installing any softwares.
And it can bypass dns based censorships and hijacking. Those are mainly done by isps on government orders.

I wished that passport were mine.

I've never understood what dns is about.
I just use a vpn.

Attached: 1587852249437.jpg (605x757, 76.24K)

Are there coomer dedicated flights in Japan?

Attached: 1358018050223.png (241x228, 95.57K)

Sei nicht eifersüchtig, Hans.
Ihr habt Döner, wir haben ihn nicht.

But if I use the google dns at least I know that there is a very big organisation behind it. Also they already know everything about me.

Attached: DNS-spoofing.jpg (820x464, 30.14K)

dunno at this point. bunch of russian name servers.
i cant see anything malicious (yet) but would advise people not to change anything all the same.

>USA is literally the most fucked up country in the world
>this coming from the DR
topkek, i mean you're not haiti tier, but still

ngl, could go for a schwarma

Attached: 1510182212591.jpg (700x700, 83.56K)

if you're not using unbound someone is recording every site you visit
you can install it on a rpi with an image so being retarded and/or poor are not excuses

Attached: 4L_ABWlkuac.gif (498x219, 1.29M) the best, no logging of IP addresses

Either DNS works, it doesn't, is censored, or it delivers fraudulent data. No matter what, you are safe, because your computer automatically verifies DNS queries with SSL+TLS root certificates that are already safely installed on your computer. Even the smallest DNS provider, run by a 400lb teenager from his parents basement is just as safe as the biggest three, run by cloudflare (, google (, and cisco ( Either it works or it doesn't. Nothing else matters. There is no need for trust as long as you use https.

The one provided by your ISP is most often fine. They aren't the best performance, but they work and are reliable. Like 99% of the world uses their default their internet company gives them. However, in certain countries, the government asks the ISPs to censor certain queries, in which case you can use a public resolver.

For example in France, the pirate bay is blocked, so I just use a public DNS service (in my case I use google) and then it works. If one day it doesn't, then I'll just use another DNS provider.

Anyone can run a DNS resolver. They are very lightweight. If you don't want to trust *anyone* and be absolutely independent, then learn how to install and configure bind9 and you can just connect to yourself. But that's overkill. You don't need that. There is absolutely no risk using any DNS service, no matter how big or little they are.

It's just not the same without Rotkohl.

Google manipulates your online browsing. It is an advertisement company.
Depends on which VPN you use. Some are good but most harvest your data and sell it to advertisers. Most keep logs just to be sure they can get out of government troubles.

United Russia needs to fuck off.

AdGard DNS? Why?


Enjoy your ZOG

>I hated America
>So I moved to the Dominican Republic
literal retard alert.

ahh source on that image please god woah.

Attached: 49e985ab2221df87995dafd7e7434f53.gif (498x403, 3.49M)

What about the DNS spoofing? I write an address, the criminal DNS sends me to a different website, If I'm not careful I could give my password to a thief.

you are right about all the things, except privacy.

See here: >trust?
See my post above. Trust is not needed in DNS.

>I would trust a russian server more then an american server.
I just read "Permanent Record" by edward snowden. Great book, chilling as fuck. I highly recommend for anyone.

They are a very big threat to the internet. It's the biggest MITM attack on encrypted connections ever in the history of mankind.

This user is right, because it protects all connections even unencrypted ones. But since sensitive data is never sent unencrypted anyway, it doesn't change a whole lot in practice. Ever since the phenomenon of public open wifis, all providers+browers+cell phones+apps, etc, use secure connections for transfer. This makes them invulnerable to attacks on the DNS surface.

But yeah if you really want maximum security, then use DNSSEC. But the provider of the service is not important. Just the DNSSEC protocol is. You can use absolutely any provider with the same amount of security. The security is in the DNSSEC protocol itself, not who is serving the queries to you.

It's true, look it up.

So much for my no fap. Lasted whole 14 hours.

that's what https is for. i can't think of a single http only site that asks for credentials nowdays.

I think I solved the riddle of ass
Hibiki Otsuki

Attached: smugun.jpg (560x577, 34.86K)

>ibiki Otsuki
Thank you based god

Attached: CvS_r8KWEAEYSzo.jpg (900x1200, 118.22K)

Thanks frenchie

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>Porn with what amounts to a sitcom-style intro and theme song

Attached: hhhehehe.jpg (500x333, 131.38K)

Just research DNS yourself or read posts by my ID. I'm an expert in this field.

>quick rundown
See >Useful, but 100% monitored.
This is true for all DNS. Even the ones that "don't log", just assume they log. The only information they'll have is the domain name. For example right now, all of your DNS providers know you're browsing Zig and that's it. They don't know what page your on, what image you see, etc.

>It is to prevent Jews from sniffing on your internet packages
Your internet packets being sniffed is not related to DNS.
But the DNS queries will be read (or at least processed) by all nodes between you and the DNS provider. Even with DNSSEC enabled, it's still read, because DNSSEC is just a integrity check, not an end-to-end tunnel. For that you would need to use either dns-over-https or just host your own resolver.

The rest you said is true.

VPNs can and most often will re-route your dns queries to their own servers. Take that for what you will.

There you go.

delete this

Attached: 1576600888223.jpg (320x315, 12.97K)

Adguard has this by default

>at least I know that there is a very big organisation behind it.
In the case of DNS, this is not important at all. Either it works or doesn't. See my other posts.

This user gets it.

>no logging
It's cloudflare. There is and has been huge speculation for years they are a CIA front. I don't know, but given the nature of their business as a CDN, I wouldn't trust them so quickly.

The TLS handshake will validate it. If the IP is spoofed, your browser will give the "redalert" page. Pic related.

This was a perceived threat very well discussed back in the 1990s, which was solved with SSL, eventually evolving into TLS.

The discussion re-emerged again in 2010s with free open public wifis and snoopers. Eventually, all apps, providers, etc force TLS from 2014 (if I remember correctly). You're safe from this attack.

I forgot to mention in that post. That's a good point.

Oh I didn't know. Thanks.

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what happened to

Is IBM smol hat now?
After all they did help with the census.Or did they get taken over by the rothchilds or illuminati?

Quad9, a nonprofit founded by IBM Security, Packet Clearing House (PCH), and The Global Cyber Alliance

I'm using quad9 + goodbyedpi cocktail in order to shitpost here, works fine most of the time.

you should kill yourself, retard. nobody is as stupid as you.

Holy shit russian kikes seething today.
Wonder why you're trying so hard.
It's almost like you'll be defeat by Satan

Attached: 2h9pm5.jpg (900x900, 67.9K)

Never trust a memeflaggot. It's either an Israeli or a Russian being a faggot

So what's the difference between Quad9, Cloudfare DNS, AdGuard DNS and OpenNic,org?


can you get DR cunny cheaper than a steak?

Opennic servers are hosted by fat /g/tards and perma virgin basement dwellers with a dialup connection. Most of them log queries


FurNIC aims to bring a unique identity to Furries, Furry Fandom, and other Anthropomorphic interest websites across the internet. FurNIC and OpenNIC work closely, with .fur (Furry fandom) generally being treated as part of OpenNIC for most purposes, rather than a separate peer entity.[21]

You must be getting Dominican pussy left and right

just use DNSCryptProxy

Then you should use my custom pirate dns service
We resolve all requests to pornbay

They are all DNS providers, offering the same service. With DNS, all that matters is that it works, there is no trust needed, so any service will be just fine (see my other posts for more info and cavets).

But to get specific,
> Quad9, Cloudfare DNS, AdGuard DNS
Don't forget google and cisco.
These are all big corporate providers. Their jurisdiction is all in USA if I understand correctly.

This is a project of a bunch, like hundreds of little household providers living all over the world.

Functionally, there is no difference. Either it works, or not. Since no trust is needed it doesn't matter who you connect to. This is like standing in a bookstore to buy a map of a city. You see two maps, one made by a big national company, one by a local city guy. They are the same maps. It really doesn't matter which you buy.

Fucking awesome lol I never heard of that. I'll check it out :D

Do not change your DNS to some random shit some guy online told you to.

I don't want to be tracked
How do I change my DNS?

Then why would I trust some random guy online telling me not to?

The chances that changing it fucks you are higher than the chances that not changing it fucks you
Welcome to bayes

My TLS certificate says it's invalid. ;( what do I do?

Attached: 1587308009752.jpg (1024x1448, 132.6K)

I would fuck her pussy until I broke her hips.

Change plane tickets to Sky Bird

Can you be more specific? I don't get all these innuendos

Scholar and a gentleman.

It shouldn't I am on a internal google node

I'm saying I would give her a rough massage until her building tension suddenly released (internally).

Choose a public provider, like cisco, google, or cloudflare. Or one of these privacy-oriented projects like OP suggests.

From there, take their address and follow the steps for your computer:

If you use firefox, you are already protected because now (or soon? i don't remember) they're switching to dns-over-https by default. You don't need to do anything. In a few years this will be the norm.

>fucks you
nope. Just research it yourself or read my other posts for more info; DNS doesn't require trust.

You know the servers/datacenters of Zig Forums are in Utah right?
And that Zig Forums is a front organization for a certain Cucked Inteligency Agency.
Have a nice day with your trust issues,we all have

Attached: 1585587533479.png (689x473, 99.49K)

>blah blah blah /g/
like any IT guy

Look I know you think you know how the internet works
Trust me, as a SDE5 for google and visa: Please stop talking
Everything requires trust

Zig Forums has range IP blocked me... Is there a way to bypass it?

I literally haven't even posted anything against the rules and rarely write stuff... so it seems that they just targeted my ISP for some reason...

what do?

Oh, no

Clip your fingernails faggot.

Change your source ip

Hi, unifiedlinux.

>Everything requires trust
Yes but in the case of DNS, the trust isn't in the dns provider, it's outside that. The trust lies in the might of TLS as well as the encryption model used in DNSSEC if you elect to use it.

It absolutely does not matter what cashier gives you change, when you have a "counterfeit money detection pen" you can just use to verify the money is real on the spot. So it's goofy to say something like...
>hey man, use that cashier, you can trust them to give real dollars
When you have the pen in your hand.

Not a perfect metaphor, because unlike counterfeiting money, there is no human on earth yet who knows how to break this type of encryption. Hence why the entire world is able to run and depend on it.

Uh that's not related to DNS but try a VPN and buy a Zig Forums pass I guess.
or email the admin of Zig Forums and explain the issue.
or use your mobile phone as a tether.
that's all I can think of off the top of my head.

Also how did you post this if your blocked?

what is sde 5 and why do you appeal to authority instead of providing arguments how bad dns can fuck you

I use my mobile data

Please stop talking about things you only have a basic understanding of

Found it.

There is a corner of the website for this exact issue. Go here:

Pic related.

Attached: Capture d’écran 2020-05-01 à 16.58.57.png (1256x1264, 130.13K)

rather, evil dns is a guy that when asked where is local supermarket points you to the crackden.
whether or not you have the security to deal with the crackden afterwards is besides the point

Airlines really pulling out all the stops to get people to fly post-corona.

Because this is not a good place to write a dissertation on network security technology.
The short answer is: Trust nothing, verify everything
Anyone that tells you otherwise in networking is trying to redirect you
Sde is software Dev engineer 5 is level (1 is lowest, 5 is highest at visa)

From the thumbnail I thought you were using a slice of kraft cheese as proof of your American citizenship which I would have gladly accepted.

don't hate your predecessor, fasci

>not running your own root hints forwarder

How do we get you to stop posting?

>Why should I trust this?
see this user makes a cogent point!

Attached: 1578413882963.jpg (900x800, 143.07K)

Whose the chick in the back?

>Google manipulates your online browsing. It is an advertisement company.

>hey Schlomo we have someone who only uses Zig and I don't know how to make him click ads. What do Mr. Schlomo?
i fucking outkiked them

Counter me with facts, what you know. I love to be challenged as it's how I've gotten so sharp in stuff like this.

But just throwing tantrums is boring. I really want you to challenge me directly if you think you know something I don't. I have everything to benefit from being proven wrong (if possible) and so do the people reading my posts.

That's not a good comparison because unlike humans, DNS is secured by encryption that is undefeated. Your computer isn't going to "get shot in the bad part of town" if someone gives it bad directions. Instead, it just attempts to open a connection, like it always does with everything you ever connect to, and see the connection is invalid, then closes the connection before any data gets sent.

This process is called a TLS handshake. There are no vulnerabilities and the entire world, banking, healthcare, and government, use it. Very, very rarely are there ever vulnerabilities discovered in this handshake -- and when there are, it's a huge deal. Like real big fucking deal. Read the wikipedia page on the heartbleed exploit for an example.

When this handshake is compromised, you have global problems on a significant scale. The least of your concerns during that time is your DNS provider. When all TLS handshakes can't be trusted for days or weeks like heartbleed, you have to scrutinize all connections you make.

so again not a good example. Definitely not a good reason to choose, or not pick one DNS provider over another.

Furthermore it's completely nullified if you choose to enable DNSSEC. doesn't matter how rogue a resolver is, if you're validating the queries at that level, you scrutinize the address before the connection is even opened. (To use your example, that's like asking a stranger for directions but then using your cell phone to check it instantly).

Fujikita Ayaka? not sure tbqh

stfu jew

dnscrypt-proxy is also a good alternative

it isnt going to get shot?
so i have to take your word that another vulnerability like spectre wont get found again?

You're not supposed to cut your fingertips passed the whites. It's considered unprofessional and unappealing.


hd pic of this?


>USA is literally the most fucked up country in the world
The USA is just a 3rd world country with fancy window dressing. It took less than two weeks of this COVID bullshit for Americans to be standing in line for food and toilet paper

>so i have to take your word that another vulnerability like spectre wont get found again?
I never said that. Please don't bore me.

The point is, if there is a vulnerability that big, DNS is the least of your concerns.

To continue your example... This is like asking a man for directions, he gives you wrong directions, and while you're checking it on your cell phone first, a nuclear bomb falls on your head and the world comes to an end.

Do you really care about the bad directions ? Like I said don't bore me. These exploits you're talking about are of a nature so big that it brings the world to a screeching halt, makes men in datacenters panic and work overtime with bags under the eyes, and intelligence agencies walling off all connections to the outer world. I think at this point, a malformed DNS query would be the least of your worries.

And like I said before, this problem is obsoleted by using DNSSEC.

You might as well be trying to convince me to stop using cash because one of them might have anthrax on it. Like no. If that happens, then I have bigger problems that have nothing to do with cash.

>stfu jew

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