I can’t believe I fell for the Trump meme...

I can’t believe I fell for the Trump meme. Im considering voting a straight democratic ticket in November and many fellow Trump supporters I have spoken with about this feel the same.
Perhaps I cannot completely undo the damage I helped inflict on this nation with my naive vote for Trump but I feel it’s a step in the right direction. Who here feels the same?

Attached: בסוף השבוע של הפרויקט12.jpg (396x396, 15.19K)

Other urls found in this thread:


If it comes out that Biden did finger blast that girl, I’m gonna vote for chad Alpha Aryan Joe.
>muh Billy Bush tape
Yeah, those were just words. All talk, no action. Joe is a man of action.

>many fellow Trump supporters I have spoken with
So zero....because we all know there are no Trump Supporters at the ShareBlue office.
You also forget that we know where that office is.

Fuck off chang

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Hush, little rat ... it will soon all be over. :)

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Clearly you have no one to talk to. This larp is fascinating.

>using a razor instead of heat
scratched bumper.

>fellow trump supporters
were they also fellow white men?

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You cant just go on the internet and lie like this.
Trump won because he pissed people off, he'll win again because Biden has lost his mind.

remember when he said he would end the wars in iraq and afgan but we ended up in 5 more ME countries?

Kill yourself OP. Mods might be asleep and let your shit fly for now but you'll get banned soon, and when you do I hope you finally kill yourself.

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>trump won because he pissed people off

he won because people were pissed off as well

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At this point Trump needs to be punished. I will vote a straight ticket for Democrat and hopefully the entire nation will do the same.

Its time for the Republican Party to leave American politics forever.

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Joe is going to be as tough on China as he was on Tara's pussy.


dat filename

Oi Vey!

>I can’t believe I fell for the Trump meme.
A lot of people fell for the orange con man but voting is a waste of time and doing it proves you learned nothing from Trump. The US is an oligarchy where the permanent government makes all the decisions, and taking part in its """"""""""elections"""""""""" is just legitimizing that system. Don't do it.

Lets dig in to Donald Trump's child rape case!

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hes baiting you stupid faggot

These are mutually exclusive, retard. Unless you're saying the US is now at war with 5 countries, this is a non-point.

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Do you not believe all women? You’d really support rapist Joe Biden? You’re fucking disgusting

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slam tight piggy

>dear fellow trump supporters
This line always makes me so sleepy. Aren’t you sleepy OP? We should all just go take a nap.

>muh democracy is real
Kill yourself kike.

Nobody gives a fuck you two faced Judas.

Pappa Trump was smart enough to put his name on the Trumpbux so niggers will come out of the woodwork to vote for him in November, even if it's just because they want more gibs.

*Looks at camera*

Fuck traitors, niggers, kikes, chinks and jannies.

> You’d really support rapist Joe Biden?
I thought Zig Forums was pro-cunny.

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Trump is a predator

How many rapes has Trump committed? 50? 100? 500? Such a completely despicable human being.

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>meme flag
>Shill post

I voted enthusiastically for trump stayed up till 4 o'clock in the morning to hear his acceptance speech.

However, next election I'm not going to vote for either party it's not worth my time or energy to vote

Here's whats left of the Trump Crime Syndicate. I guess Trump is next. I will be quite happy to see him die in a Federal Prison!!!

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In order to do that, he had to understand hebrew -> he's a jew or closely associated with jews -> juwu


go for it, start with the lawyers he cooperated in 2009 and see if there's something fishy and why he was so willing to work them

Lol, edit this so the guys using the razor to open his veins and make the bumper sticker say riding with biden

Hey look its an actual VOOTER who thinks his VOOT matters

No thanks. Republicans are bad but dems are pure evil.

Former Trump supporter here.
It's hilarious watching him crash and burn.
But in all seriousness, we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.

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The donkey says
>hee-haw hee-haw hee-haw

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but you arent american so how can you vote you fucking shill faggot.

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I know exactly how you feel OP. I was “With Her” but no way am I voting for that Rapist Biden.


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Wow really?

I cant believe I made $1800 betting on that fat cheeto to win in 2016, and Ill make less but still win a nice chunk this year

Does this mean Americans in general are fucking stupid for voting him in, or cocksuckers like you are retarded for trying to say he wont win again?
Im winning money and dont even care about your stupid demo repub bullshit. I think you're fycking gay.

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ever heard of google translate? for all we know that could be gibberish in Hebrew anyway. It's the most blatant bait but retards cant help but bite

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>refiled in New York in June 2016, and dropped again in November 2016
>Published 23 June 2016


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Only a lefty would use a razor to remove a sticker from paint. This guy was never a trump supporter.

What I find fun is even the rednecks that work for the oil companies are starting to realize this now. Realize how we all could have been in a much better place had this man not been so arrogant in his actions or took any real steps as a country. People are talking about his lack of leadership during these times and how they will take anyone at all now over this. Just noticed a general change in attitudes around here is all.

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What a terrible and played out troll.
>be conservative
>get upset with the POTUS
>vote for the party that is completely against everything I believe


Inb4 300 replies from 60 IQ Zion Don supporters who fall for the same bait daily

I can’t believe I fell for the Obama meme. Im considering voting a straight democratic ticket in November and many fellow Obama supporters I have spoken with about this feel the same.
Perhaps I cannot completely undo the damage I helped inflict on this nation with my naive vote for Obama but I feel it’s a step in the right direction. Who here feels the same?

Attached: prisonTerm.jpg (600x400, 48.8K)

General Flynn will be reinstated
Meuler and his cronies are better prepare their anus.

Im considering voting a straight

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Everyone knew Trump was going to be a disaster. What we didn't know was how SPECTACULAR that disaster would be.

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Fuck off Chink

Yeah, have fun with that lefty

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It's funny because these thread only reinforce hatred for the DNC and its propaganda machine.

Trump is going to get crushed in November. But that's nothing new for Trump. He's a loser. Name one Trump success story. See what I mean?

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>t. Ching Chong Ping Pong


>Hey guys i'm a faggot democrat trying to role play a reformed republican so i can convince you to vote for a hair sniffing child rapist

Slide thread, meme flag, 100% lying shill OP is a faggot of david brock

And keep in mind that when he loses, the Prosecuting Attorneys are going to shred him like wet toilet paper. If you're a true American and you really, really want to see Trump brutally punished, just vote his ass out and let the United States Justice Dept deal with him.

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Asshole bitch moron loser Trump.

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It'd be a lot more convincing if you didn't save your file name in Jew

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Look at this fat old woman.

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>falling for memes

People like you shouldn't vote. You have no idea what's going on. If Trump is not re-elected, and brings his mission to a conclusion, we are going to have a hot war on our hands.

Voting dermocrat means voting for war.

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Lmao why Shareblue employs cringy retarded boomers like you?

fuck trump. fuck him fuck him fuck him fuck him fuck him

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Why do you libtards continue to insist on losing? Dont you get tired of it?

So you support massive gun control? Lol

I don't know about that, to me it look like you are part of the same conspiracy who entrapped Flynn, Stone and others. Maybe you should be investigated and your entire organization prosecuted.

Why is it a picture of an animated person and not a real person?

what do you call a loser who wins?

Sounds like your house is divided against itself, buddy.

Democrats represent the interest of the internationalists, while Trump those of national industry. Will it devastate the economy if there's a trade blockade between China and the US? Ofcourse it will. But once the US gets over it, it will be better of.

Let trump rip off the bandage! You have to face the consequences of your global actions responsible as a nation. Democrats are just going to perpetuate the globo-homo agenda pushing us further into the dark ages.

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Tell David Brock we said HI. Only a retard would do what you do for a dime a post. You are the sheep.

fucking retards falling for this bait is ridiculous. you all need to be kicked in the throat.

his sexual misconduct just makes him a more attractive candidate. He's a red blooded man! God forbid we have one of those leading the nation.

Are you really considering voting for the Bedophile?

the level of desperation of the shills is a telling tale of how retarded they are and how desperate they are getting. Trump 2020 is a FACT you fucking imbeciles, glow harder over there.

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You goddamn are stupid

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>t. thinks his vote actually matters.
Don't vote for anyone. Both parties do the same thing once elected. They will all break their promises.

Stop voting, stop giving these rich nepotistic cronies more attention than they deserve. Both parties don't give a fuck about you. So stop giving a fuck about them in return.

If you really feel like voting and doing your civic duty you can write in George Carlin.

(George Carlin 1937-2008)

who's the guy in the centre bottom panel again? he looks cute

I'm legit voting lolbertarian or who ever third party. I feel cheated by Trump.

Don't be discouraged, OP, this is a wonderful conversion testimonial post. We all really appreciate what you do! Stunning and brave!

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>Don't vote for anyone. Both parties do the same thing once elected.

Okay Chong Lee.

Im sure that Dems and Trump will both open the borders and fire all the ICE agents. Both will force churches to pay for RuPauls and Rufus's SRSs. Both will start wars in the ME for oil.

Sure thing Chong Lee. Sure thing..

Look! A stray dog! go catch your lunch!

>Who here feels the same?
It's just you and your other shill coworkers.

That was cool. Post jannies1.webm

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>file name
stfu jew

Michael Cohen, he was released already, you missed your chance on that prison sex.

One of the only things that I don't like about Trump is that he seems to have ZERO downward loyalty. Pardon Roger Stone you bleach drinking nigger.

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Why even bother voting at all then?

Dont vote at all.

Nice work, user.

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vote ventura!

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Choice between insane narcissist and globohomo pedophile. Unironically worse candidates than even on ours elections.

The projection is strong with this comic

Implying you have a choice...

aw fuckin hell

I’m voting for him again. Kill yourself.

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I love when Trumptards make b8's like these to reinforce the faith of other trumptards on their Zionist shill

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>implying having having no choice is worse than chosing between Trump and Biden


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False flagging kike deplorables that voted for Trump are 100% gonna re-elect him in November. Get over yourself and quit the larping on pol because it's not gonna prevent him from being your president for the next four years little buddy

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>Who here feels the same?

Nobody apparently. There are only three times in his presidency where his approval is higher than his disapproval (Gallup weekly), and all three happened within the last two months.

I strongly advise against voting for a rapist.
I #believewomen and hence I am a #neverbiden.
Instead I will be voting for the only Presidential candidate with moral character: Justin Amash
Please don't damage the nation yet again by voting for an actual rapist.

>how do you do fellow Trump supporters?

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Nice try, General Tso. Now eat my ass. No, nevermind, you probably WOULD.

This. Also, fuck you OP.

slide thread


>fell for the Trump
Yeah. You should have voted for the cunt instead.
Either she would have won or at least YOU would have felt better about yourself today.
And those things are all that matter.

I agree. I hereby renounce all principles right of center and will vote democrat because communist party is not a viable option. please take my guns and inject my sons with estrogen. can't wait to get chipped.

Yes yes we know, you've been saying you're a former Trump voter for 4 years already. Don't you ever get tired of it?

Best post


t. Yes this is totally true

>all these replies to obvious kike bait
Well done Moishe, you got your (you)s. Now what's the next step of your master plan?

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>I can’t believe I fell for the Trump meme.
GTFO back the way you came, chinko.
The oracles already spoke.

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most famous business man in the world with a million successes as well as failures. mostly wins for himself though.

>ShareBlue poorly written copy pasta.
I’m convinced! I’m off the Trump Train! I’ll be voting for the child raping Moloch worshippers next time!

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OP’s name is likely on this list.


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>i'm a cock sucking democrat now
it never gets old

nah i remember that. journos were butt frustrated on twatter that they couldnt get thr girl to show face for an interview or see police. safehouses, security, cash, everything. she would bounce as soon as the reporting got serious and they started to doubt the irl existence of the victim

Senile 2020 it is.

imagine falling for this post.

wtf i want kids on hrt now!

How about you use your guns and start a revolution to get rid of the corrupt bought and paid for government system, democrat or republic..........
Instead of believing in politicians who dont give a shit about you or your country?
How can people not see the shifts throughout the years and how the narrative always divides you into a battle between demo and repub partys while the (((ones))) who run the show do what they please???

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Hell yeah, definitely my dem... republican friends. I totally voted for orange cheet- i mean Donald trump, but this is too much.. i mean joe biden is totally better. Believe me i was a republican. Did i tell you i was a republican? Cuz im definitely republican and now im voting democrat. This is totally authentic, im not just trying to influence people.


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Lmao his base is only growing. He’s a weapon. A fuck you to YOU

That’s hilarious.
You’re just going to keep falling for the same lies. You can’t change your opinion because a charismatic old man told you to.

>and then everybody clapped

No sane person faggot trump is a kike but I wouldn't even consider voting democrat unless we were taking a vote to see who we throw in the gas chambers after kikes.

>Meme flag
Fuck off ShariaBlue


Don't beat yourself up OP Frodostein.

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Hi meme flag. Nice opinion you got there.
Trump 2020

That filename.

Nah I'm still voting for my man Donald


FILE NAME = "Weekend Project" in jewish

I don't believe you.