Why did you all stop posting libertarian shit?

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this is an npc nigger board

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Based GreeceBro gets it

That's coming dangerously close to telling me I need to post libertarian shit. Don't fucking tell me what to do.


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>trying to tell Zig Forumsacs what to do or not

I rekt all their arguments with my superior knowledge on economics.
Those McNuke, loli loving, offroad motherfuckers can take their shit to some garbage flyover nation for all we care

Those are 2 questions faggot

projection the post

Why are you asking this?
Are we being detained?


libertarianism doesn't work when your society includes radical authoritarian communists.
therefore we need to embrace fascism to kill all communists before we can become libertarian

cope the post
>that level of reading comprehension
jesus fucking christ

Libertarianism is cowardly asking the system to kill itself. The system will never agree to this, and thus it needs to be destroyed and replaced with something better.

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Thhhh. Thhhh. Why you guys call yourselves libertarians? Cos you guys like books or sumthin? Thhhh FAWKIN KILLING EM CHIPPA!

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Destroyed forever beyond recovery by ancap memes.

This is the real redpill

fuck off loser


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>give me liberty...
>give me
fucking nigger

>Why did you all stop posting libertarian shit
They are too busy licking the boot of the government

libertarianism is a dead end ideology that reduces all human interaction to material concerns. its completely worthless

I think most of them graduated to either natsoc, doomergloomer nihilist, or political apathy

They grew up

Fascists and Commies voted the same way before the war

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we all just talk about BTC on Zig Forums because making money is more important than talking about niggers.
personally i've also been shitposting extra on /r/libertarian because all the bernie bros there are REALLY funny when they get angry

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Lol. What a mental stretch gymnastics grasping at straws cope post

You do realize that requiring family values and removing parasites, hedonists, homosexuals etc. and curtailing its influence is an underpinning of fascism. The reason fascism puts checks on big business is because big business propagates degeneracy, atomization, and hedonism.
>a healthy, virtuous, free society
>unchecked big business
pick one

Fucking brains of Burgerland here

Turning to nanny government is not "graduating" or "growing up"

You want government to solve the problem and I view government as a source of the problem

If we each had our way in separate lands we could accomplish the same goal by these opposing means

Just dont associate with them

Wouldn't price tend to go down if there is lower demand?

fuckin based

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Because we learned about niggers and Jews.

NatSocs ENABLE jews. NatSocs are a jews greatest ally. Figure it out faggot

the halvening approaches. bitcoin will add a 0 in the coming months.

Why would one want to be libertarian?

The government isn’t bad. It is a tool that can better society. Bad people in government is what makes it bad.

Most of you were open borders libertarians and let all of the stormfag refugees in and now its become another shitty wignat forum where stormfags circle jerk each other.

t. closed border libertarian

we all grew up

We're here. Flirted with fascism briefly until this recent Covid bullshit.

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Because Zig Forums has been raided by commies and cucks.

name one thing that government has actually improved?
>inb4 muh roads

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Libertarians grew up, realized their ideology was unrealistic, and converted to national socialism, civic nationalism, or in some rare cases a variety of leftism.
t. ex libertarian

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Libtards got owned by facts and logic

The prognosis of collapse of system and widespread violence including political.

Well they uphold law and order.

This board is full of lolbergtardians whining about the lockdowns and "muh freedumbs." Though they may not be real lolberg ideologues and rather just normie cuckservatives parroting Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.

>libertarianism doesn't work when your society includes radical authoritarian communists
>therefore we need to embrace fascism to kill all communists before we can become libertarian
Not in the slightest. If by fascism you mean the full ownership of your property and the right to physically remove them from your property then yes. Leftists will die without a state to support them and force others to cater to them.

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one must learn that in order for libertarianism to work an forced culturally (and like it or not in most places a racial) united country as to exist and that means an authoritarian government, and at that point how probable is the government to leave the power it accumulated?

>whining about the lockdowns
Sounds pretty jewey

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Actually, no. I left Zig Forums for years because it felt like arguing with the same dozen people in an endless loop. Threads come and go so fast. Better to argue in forums where you can write more and the information sticks around long enough for people to consider it.

The national socialists swamped Zig Forums because socialism is the default position for uneducated people. However, ideology is a bit like religion, once people accept certain premises when they are young it can be impossible to dislodge them. Even intelligent people fall prey to this if they are the dogmatic type. I've known some very intelligent nazis who are so stupid about the basic tenants of liberty, of political and economic freedom, and yet they feel completely unmotivated to learn. They are so arrogant about national socialism and "muh precious Hitler!" that they feel they have come to the Truth and have no need to question further. They simply refuse to learn liberty on its own terms. They PREFER the misconceptions of the socialist critique of liberty.

I think temperament has a lot to do with it. National socialism attracts dogmatic idealists who deem themselves intellectually superior... in much the same way that a kid who learns about communism in college will usually spend the rest of his life defending it. He's learned a cause-and-effect and anyone who challenges it is, by definition, an idiot. That more data can disrupt this cause-and-effect, even disprove it, simply does not register in his dogmatic mind. You cannot get such a person to link enough ideas together, then compare them with their dogma, in order for them to alter their worldview. Many people, even very smart people, are actually incapable of critical thought.

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Sorry freind. Working my ass off to purchase more weapons for the boog. If it doesnt kick off by 22 im starting it myself

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Before the beginning of the neoliberal era, government was pretty good at defending workers' rights and maintaining enough of a social safety net for people.

After the beginning of the neoliberal era, this all changed because political bribery became legal. It also became de facto legal to privatize huge portions of the government apparatus by allowing corporations to buy property rights over parts of the government-- think of the regulatory capture, the revolving door between private and public sector, bribing of regulators in various ways, the campaign finance system which is actually bribery, the bringing on of "experts" from Goldman Sachs to "consult" any president, etc.
If the EPA is doing the dirty work of a chemical company or a fossil fuel company, it ceases to be a government agency, and has simply become the de facto asset of a private company.
It's an insight that most libertarians are too stubborn to acknowledge because they are so damn committed to an ideology that oversimplifies human behavior and idealized certain concepts in a way that is completely separate from reality.
So our problems have a lot more to do with the size of government. Our problems also have to do with the motivations of people in government. It is the pinnacle of idiocy to try and simplify everything to size of government, muh property rights, muh non aggression principle, muh private sector and muh individualism. In real life, not everything can be decided by an ideology based on a priori assumptions about human behavior because what you then end up with is philosophically driven conjecture. A lot of what libertarians do is treat their own opinions about how thing ought to be as axioms. What this results in is a problem where libertarians come off politically illiterate, ignorant of the basic dynamics of social networking, ignorant of basic power dynamics, and willfully ignorant of anything in regard to the big picture implications of what they advocate for.

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It's the victim mentality of lolbergs. You fantasize about being oppressed by a tyrannical government so your delusions of victimhood can be satisfied. Ironically it was liberal progressives who elevated victimhood to be the most desired state in our culture. Lolbergs are too dumb to realize that.

Based post right here

I love when libertarians argue against an ideology they don't understand by making gratuitously false claims about its followers. Lurk more faggot

Probably went to Zig Forums since this board is NEETs and people who’d totally do it different if they’d been dictator

>cope the post

Like 80% of the world are literally locked down right now and we experienced the biggest economc crash of our lfetimes in the last month.

You can call me tin foil hat all you want behind your surgical mask

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no u wont, if you was gona do anything youd do it now with the weapons you have
no excuses

Because it only works in homogeneous white societies and in the West this concept is under severe threat, if not already lost.
I'd unironically advocate for libertarian policies here and in other Easter European countries (paired with reasonable nationalism regarding migration), but there's too much corruption and people are idiots.

how original

Libertarians either went hard right or hard left
They either took the authoritarian pill or the “freedom at the cost of every moral and value we ever held” pill
>who cares if they racemix
>who cares if they’re gay
>who cares if they’re trans
>who cares if they attracted to kids
Daily reminder libertarians, not leftists, are the true enemy. Without them, leftist ideals would have held no ground with your average normie

America needs Libertarianism now, we all do frens


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Too much degeneracy in the US for libertarianism

>>who cares if they’re gay
I don't.
>>who cares if they’re trans
I don't.
>>who cares if they attracted to kids
I don't, but shoot them if they try something.
>>who cares if they racemix
That's the real deal. Can we have national libertarianism?

I've been here, I agree with natsocs that people can be fucking stupid so it led me to libertarian monarchism, because fuck letting stupid niggers vote away their rights, society has them whether you like it or not, if you don't, sell your rights and submit to voluntary slavery

In a libertarian society, you can buy a willing picrelated, incels give your support, kek

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So are you cunts going to get the vaccine? You shouldnt have a choice if you are NatSoc, right? I mean, you should jut obey government, right. Because government is your friend.

>Stay Inside to save the white race
>Show me your immunity pass to save the white race
>Wear a mask to save the white race
>Take the vaccine to save the white race
>Listen to government to save the white race
>Bill Gates wants to save the white race
>Stop interacting with people to save the white race
>stop excercising to save the white race
>Keep 2 meters away to save the white race
>Only believe us to save the white race

The NatSoc spamming has been a psyop to get you in their bullshit system.



Well done. You played yourselves

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we never stop posting Abdul

libertarianism is unjustifiable philosophically.

please elaborate

That was a top quality post and you said nothing and just called him a faggot

They don't understand that only a virtuous, white society can engage in free enterprise without everything going to shit. They don't realize that big business benefits from addiction, degeneracy, race-mixing, degradation of the family, women in the workforce, 3rd world savage immigration, etc. because they all create a docile consumer class dependent on product. The invisible hand isn't invisible at all. They just can't see it because it's so far up their asses.

boring to fight against shills all day, we only pop up when needed

If you think the virus isn't real or masks don't work or they were invented yesterday by Bill Gates as part of a psyop, you do need to put on your tinfoil hat. The economic harm is caused by the virus, not by rational government responses to it.

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Literally KYS
You literally recognize the slippery slope and still don’t care that all of those things caused each other

You're stupid.
NatSoc guys don't just want to obey any government. They want to obey a good government, that has their people ans country's intersects in mind, not the globalist neoliberal government, who obly care about jewish bankers.

Why would a Natsoc do anything a government that doesn’t represent him tells him to do?
Did the Nazis obey the Weimar Republic, or did they overthrow it and create their own system?

When I say the national socialist PREFERS their misconceptions about liberty, misconceptions derived from socialist critiques, I mean this. For the dogmatic type most attracted to national socialism, it is not merely that national socialism is true or false. National socialism becomes true as a matter of personal identity. Nazism stands for what THEY are, in a personal way, and they have defined that identity AGAINST what they perceive as the "not me."

Ideas of liberty are part of the universe of "not me," as to them the classical liberals/libertarians/anarchists represent profit over community, individual over family, global economic interests over national interests, etc.

These concepts, these dichotomies, are false. They don't even begin to explain the principles of liberty. But trying to deconstruct and then reconstruct all this in their dogmatic brain is a daunting task. From the first minor argument you will immediately offend the national socialist's sensibilities. You will stimulate their need to virtue signal on behalf of their identity.

The ONLY way to make progress is a lengthy correspondence, explaining slowly and completely, each misunderstanding about liberty and challenging each presumption about national socialism. Zig Forums is a shitty forum to do this.

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I'm making a degenerate libertarian country with me as the benevolent dictator, in like 5 years when it's the next big happening on Zig Forums you can remember this post, fuck normies I want an army of subby catboys, /natsoc/ can get fucked

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