This is why the world is ruined

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>Do woman have a too high standard for men
no because women have no trouble finding partners. low tier men are just salty

Baldy Is mad hot young girls dont find bald 30 year olds that live with their mom attractive

t.the cuck


Stay mad, seething incels.

t. Not a roastie, not a chad. Just not interested.

Well, what were her criteria?

I don't know these people, but he looks like a chad honesty.

>not posting a link

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Simpin ain't easy eh. She probably forces you to go muff diving in the red sea lmao.

Ok I get what he is saying
>hot women have high standards
>basic bitches shouldnt have high standards
But what about men
>chad has high standards
>timmy has high standards
It goes both ways. Yall ugly people need to realize your ugly and go for what you can get. Too many guys I know wont take the wholesome alright girl because they HAVE to have a bombshell gf

This girl is absolutely hideous, she's a 4 at most. It's always these hideous girls that start working out and think they're the shit once they grow an ass

Who cares? I am satisfied with fapping.

>who cares im satisfied with fapping
>Stay mad, seething incels.

>what is a volcel

Based and redpilled?

Based and redpilled.

I never understood the Incel movement.
dont they have any sense of self-respect? privacy? pride?
so you're ugly; crying about it publicly wont solve anything.
either get plastic surgery like ugly women do or shut up.

that is because as you say you dont understand men "rights" and stuff related movement, so hear me out nigger, realizing female nature, female hipocrisy, illogical dating standards considering what they bring to the table ,etc is not being an incel its simply not being a fucking submissive and beta faggot that while being a 7/10 himself at least will go for fucking female goblins with higher sperm count than their fucking IQ.

Only Chads should procreate. No one is looking forward to a world of weak men. If anything, women should up their standards.

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I dont really give a shit, but Nastassia is about to hit the wall hard, shes only barely containing that fat ass and her face is starting to fall apart, she'll settle soon, they always do. I don't know why its any of this seething faggots business though.


>this level of cuckoldry

>neglect the intellect for aesthetics.
Yeah, okay. We'll eventually just be pretty apes then, shitting on the decaying streets.

How is that cuckoldry?

Is Schopenhauer also a cuck? Is everybody a cuck, who just exist?

>Where have all the good men gone?!
Women party through their 20's then when they're used up they try to settle down and can't find a man.
Women have just as much trouble finding a man as a man does finding a woman.
There are more women than men anyway. So if we paired up people until there were no pairs left you'd have a shit ton of women left over.

>Is everybody a cuck, who just exist?
Yes. If your biology doesn't motivate you enough to get laid, even if by force, you are a beta faggot deserving a bullet to the head.

pic related is you

Dude all you need to do is get a job, save money, work out and have some style. You’re upset that hot women don’t want to fuck you at the drop of a hat. You’re never going to change female nature so stop acting like a bitch

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I think most men’s standards tend to be high. Like men here literally expect their future wife to be a woman without any sexual experiences and things and to be totally submissive.

Too bad a lot of such people are in too high positions to just get them a bullet in the head, Hitler for example.

Implying I'm not a Chad.

based and redpilled

keep telling yourself that

>ID: onlydxc

ok nigger
>im a 180cm male
>im whitexican
>im decent looking and still working to better myself even more
>have a job
>im a microbiologist
>have money
tf are you talking about?
>pic related is you
projection much leaf?
>You’re upset that hot women don’t want to fuck you at the drop of a hat. You’re never going to change female nature so stop acting like a bitch
that is not whats happening here and you know it.

>We'll eventually just be pretty apes then, shitting on the decaying streets.
So India but with more attractive people?

women don't actually care about baldness

I am also telling others to stop caring about roasties.

Giga cope. Most chads are intelligent as well.

>women have no trouble finding partners.
Sexual partners, sure.
But who's going to marry them? Retards.
Who's going to raise their bastards? Retards.
Only a retard would marry or have kids under this dysgenic gynocracy.
Chad isn't putting babies into these women, and he isn't monogamous or a provider. Providers are cucks. Monogamy is stupid. And paying child support is gay.

>assuming most of society in todays era are not basically apes
tough i understand you.

yeah, just like they don't care about height or looks

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well you aren't wrong there, caring about them gives you 0% gain. and most often, a loss.

Something happened at some point like a switch flipped in my mind where no matter how hot a woman is physically, if she does the roastie aesthetic she might as well be 0/10 and won't even make my dick hard.
I used to not be this way but I'm glad the change happened.
You know how if you were to find out that some woman is a coal burner, your brain just automatically assigns DROPPED status to that woman? When I was younger, that used to be the only thing that would do that for me. Now literally ANY form of slutty presentation does the same thing. Not sure what is the cause but I'm glad my brain now views roasties as cryptonite so I don't even have to try to stay away from them.

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>But who's going to marry them? Retards.
not our problem, if she is a thot she dies a thot, in the meanwhile she can be pump and dumped by me or anyone and ghosted.
>Only a retard would marry or have kids under this dysgenic gynocracy.
>marry in 2020
no obviously
>not having kids
why not?
>Chad isn't putting babies into these women, and he isn't monogamous or a provider. Providers are cucks. Monogamy is stupid. And paying child support is gay.
yes he fucking is. because as you said
>providers are cucks
remember alpha fucks beta bucks.
>Monogamy is stupid.
no nigger, polygami does not work
>paying child support is gay

>hot,young girls
she is a literall midget goblin, go be a retard somewhere else.

Most people have too high of standards now. Look at the ghoulish women with giant rim glasses mad at the world because they can't get a young Sean Connery and all they have is dildos.
Look at the ugly video game playing nerd losers grinding their teeth because they think they deserve some white hot chick that ends up with some stud.
It's pathetic. Both try to use shame on the other, both have no idea how undesireable they are, and both are god damn pathetic.

I just want one that isn't a whore who wants abortions for everyone, had 10+ men in her, and is completely BPD with no hobbies.

There's 50:50 men and women on this planet and I'm not ugly, it shouldn't be totally impossible but it is.

I'm a fat, bad teeth, bad job, unhygienic asshole who has no problems getting laid on a fairly regular basis. My secret? I don't give a shit about women and I'm an asshole.
Women are dumb and need validation. The moment you compliment them, you lost the relationship.

Exactly, so u assume ppl are manlets like you. I’m literally in uni and 6’4, med genes, I have no problems. Toothpaste bro is probs tall af too, it’s natural for women to gravitate towards better genetics. What do you think you’ll accomplish by complaining about female nature? You won’t change shit until political change and traditionalist revolution happens, so stop whining.

>pump and dumped by me or anyone and ghosted.
literal demonic behavior, you are part of the problem Pacho

same here, but dropped status is assigned to every non-virgin

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Fair enough I guess, both men and women seem to have too high standards.

>had 10+ men in her,
lmao. that is a low number today, sadly. its all so fucking tiresome. avg girl cant count the amount of guys that used her as a meat-hole, and skull fucked her every orifice.

Attached: all so tiresome.jpg (492x449, 47.91K)

Girls with asses that big in their 20s are going to age badly.


>only chads should procreate
With who? Because they aren't doing that. Low IQ normies procreate, Chad gets laid.
It's stupid to impregnate women, it's stupid to marry them. A real Chad has a high IQ and knows marriage is for cucks and paternity is a liability. Maybe he'll have one kid with one woman before he dies. But he isn't a polygamist.


Most ugly ppl are retards. The only virtuous and intelligent ppl I’ve met are ppl who are attractive. Sometimes a bit shorter, but never dysgenic looking or ugly or fat.

whats wrong with her face? she looks retarded or something

you aren't wrong really, and there is something to it. and i dont just mean by not being a fat slop.

She fucked a negro. It was on pornhub. It’s deleted now

What happen if "low tier men" collectively stop working and instead steal and rape?
All 80% of them?

Pic related is the ideal solution. Surrogate your kids and make 4-5 if you have superior genetics. In an ideal world, we should be allowed to tax normies to pay for maintaining the gene pool, but make do with what you can for now

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>there are only chads and Incels, no normies
Stfu, idiot.
Normies have more kids than Chad.
You don't have to be an alpha to impregnate a roastie.
Chad isn't a polygamist, he just enjoys sex.
This isn't eugenics, idiot.

if they were that alpha they wouldnt be low tier.

you can be rich and handsome Chad, or the biggest god damn loser God ever made, then you will be her pet. They don't always choose the chad, many times it's the worst, weakest, fucked up, drug using, stray dog of a man you have ever seen. High standards? bitch please.

Would be great.

Give this frenchman a price.

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a bit based. i got more pusi when i was a drug addicted loser with no aspirations, but i was good looking. let some ugly incel try that, wont work out so good!

>manlets like you
nigger, im tall i literally told you im 180cm tf are you talking about.
>I’m literally in uni and 6’4, med genes, I have no problems.
so do i have good genetics,and a fucking good career, also you can be a fucking light post and be a fucking incel either way.
also since you apparently dont know fucking cm measurements i will put it in your terms, im 6,1 you fucking retard.
>What do you think you’ll accomplish by complaining about female nature?
its not complaining , its being aware of it, sharign information to clueless men to not be taking advantage of etc, you wouldnt get it afterall since you are a UKuck leaf.
>You won’t change shit until political change and traditionalist revolution happens, so stop whining.
wrong, maybe a big ass social change wont happen instantly but at least to the indivudual who is aware things do get easier , better and stress free

begone thots

>normies have more kids than chad
>assuming chad is not a normie
>assuming the avarage "normie" gets more kids than a theorethical chad
>You don't have to be an alpha to impregnate a roastie.
that is obvious, even betas can but we dont care and are not talking about roasties in this scenario.
>Chad isn't a polygamist, he just enjoys sex.
that is not what we was saying, poligamy and having sex with multiple partners before being in a relationship is not the same
>This isn't eugenics, idiot.
it is and if its not ,soon will be.

Those things just help guys feel better
Women want a guy that feels good inside, because thats how they get positive attention, which they crave more than looks, money, or height.
Stop blaming yourself start hacking female biology.

>>But who's going to marry them? Retards.
have a better solution nigger?