Products from China caught spying

>durrr.. this phone is mad cheap.
Remember*...Don't buy cheap shit from China.

Attached: Screenshot_20200501-105008_Samsung Internet.jpg (1080x1277, 373.94K)

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Remember that Samsung spies for the cia.

It's fine. We're the good guys. We stopped the Nazis, you know.

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Who would you rather know your info, the Chinks or the Kikes?

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No it doesn't you do realize cia is for out of country threats right?


That's what these assholes get. I hope all of this blowback from the shit china is doing becomes so overwhelming that the normies stop buying their shit

Oh my I can’t possibly believe it. This must be western propaganda.
You sweet summer child

Problem is this won’t because it is cheap. These are the people that worked in factories and literally shopped themselves out of jobs by going to Walmart and always buying the cheapest everything.

Reminder Intel chips are backdored to the NSA at the hardware level through Intel Management Engine

Reminder Apple and Google are backdoored at the hardware factory level

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>Remember*...Don't buy shit from China.
We need real economic pressure against the Chinks. Half-assed sanctions are not the way to go. Boycott China now!

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this is what normie scum get for buying cheap chinese shit

I had a Lenovo once. How fucked am I?

Yeah except the times some dude does a mass shooting and the glowniggers can't access the data because of the encryption. There is a reason they want to get rid of encryption.

They can get around encryption but would expose their technical capabilities if they did it all the all the time.

Why is this a surprise to anyone? It's been written into Chinese law since like 2015, it's why there was a whole shit show about Google having an HQ in China. People need to pull their heads out of their asses and pay attention.

I'd rather have the Chinese spy on me than the US. I'm starting to understand why Huawei was banned here. They wouldn't spy for the CIA.

Wasn't there a story of lots of DoD/ Miltech being replaced because it was chinese made hardware?

I feel the same way about American products

It’s basically unethical to buy american tech, considering you guys torture, kidnap, and imprison Whistleblowers who expose your global tech spying

Weren’t Americans causing spying real time on German political and tech leaders?

No wonder German support for America is collapsing

>no mention of PRISM, ECHELON, etc.
Yeah those people don't give a fuck about free as in freedom software. Try searching EARN IT which shits all over the 4th amendment in the US, not a single fucking article that I could find.
You're stupid as hell, American data is collected en masse on mobile and desktop platforms unless you're jumping through some serious hoops and even then it's not 100% effective. I hope you've never gone fullscreen while browsing a website lol.
I'd rather have neither, but the question is what are the chinks going to do with your data vs the US. I'd rather have literally nothing happen than get reported to the ADL through a "leak" and have my life ruined because I said nigger online. If China begins to cooperate with the US or worse yet sell the data privately, chink phone seems to be the better option.

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So you have more chance that people IRL knows you say nigger online by china than USA? Roflmao typical burger level of reflexion .

Also very funny you do not assume your politicals views IRL . Zig Forums people always have big words but they are a bunch of fatasses unable to fight .

What a coward why do people like you hide themselves IRL ?

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Ok? They're spying if you use their browser. Just use firefox retard. If you're using chrome it's just as bad.

fuck chinks

Soon China will expose the Jew.

>So you have more chance that people IRL knows you say nigger online by china than USA?
No, he said the opposite. Retard.

>generic browser does what it does by default on every single phone along with the rest of the google operating system
>but this phone brand is from china so its scandal

Fortinet got caught providing a backdoor just about a month ago. For those that don't know Fortinet is one of the world's leading providers of database components.

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This. Every company is already spying on them, but when it's "big bad China" that does it, it's somehow worse? Bunch of fucking retards.