What does Zig Forums think of Georgia?

what does Zig Forums think of Georgia?

>hate muslims
>traditional values

Attached: 5237CA09-5CBF-4F17-9AF7-E17E3527E6B2.png (275x183, 1.51K)

>low iq
Can rot in hell

fuck you
muh religion. kys
>hate muslims
Georgia is full of mudslims
>traditional values
you mean an anal sex to save virginity?

you don’t have a say in this mutt
nice proxy shlomo

Oh, you don’t like Georgia very much? Also I didn’t know you guys had a lot of Muslims.

better to be a low IQ shitskin with muhdick than a russian mongoloid with small dick and no future

So how’s life in Georgia like?

Better than Tennessee, I'll give you that

Agree with every point, plus shitty economy from being former soviet and even have separatist rebels in north west.

flag looks based, what is the meaning?