MGTOW hate thread

ITT we talk about how fucking pathetic MGTOW is. I first came across this shit on youtube and the information seemed innocuous, but the more i delved into it the more obvious it became that there are basically two kinds of people who identify with it:

1. permavirgin loser faggot that blames his lack of success with women on the women themselves
2. idiot who married a woman despite all conventional knowledge, and in spite of all the red flags he was too whipped to admit she had

All the people in this "movement" are the bottom tier losers that were never an option to women anyways. Seriously, no one is mourning the fact that these babies "wont date woke women" or whatever the fuck. More pussy for the rest of us.

Seriously, if you're MGTOW, you're a loser

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Other urls found in this thread:

marriage is submission to a woman's wants and needs, legally reinforced by the state who has set up the family courts in such a way that should the woman be dissatisfied with you in any way shape or form, or be unhappy with any minor thing, she can divorce you and restrict access to your children and force you to fund her lifestyle no matter how doing so affects you or your future prospects

all a mgtow is, is a man who doesn't submit to a woman's wants or needs, thats it. its a man who puts himself above all else. and anyone who disagrees with this neither loves himself nor values himself nor does he have self respect. he must base his self-worth on how women respond to him, and on his level of involvement with women, and on his utility value to women

or he's a woman, in which case OP, tits or gtfo

also, the same thing applies to relationships too. you don't have to be married to be absolutely blindsided by governmental institutions through a woman. there are various ways in which she can destroy your life. and there aren't always red flags either. women are VERY good at being what they think men want and often do not show their true nature until they have lured a man into a false sense of security. we all know the meme, women being perfect at first, then when a child comes or marriage occurs they switch dramatically and become tyrannical. its because from the inception of a child or marriage, they have the man under their thumb legally and socially. so they have no need to play the part of the good wife or partner anymore

so your comment of "in spite of all the red flags" while it may be applicable in many cases, in many more it is not. because women are extremely adept in pretending to be something they're not. their whole methodology of attracting men after all is based on manipulation and accentuating their own pros while distracting from their cons. hence cosmetics for example.

>t. eggless over the hill roastie

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so yeah, either OP is a man, in which case you will become MGTOW one day, or you will want to (depends on whether or not you can be a man and be your own master instead of submitting to women). or OP is a woman. and this is just a rage thread because she can see the change in culture. now MGTOW terms like simp are becoming mainstream and MGTOW is getting more hits on search engines than feminism. the tide is somewhat turning. so women are worried.

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All pussy is the same and women use it as a weapon so it isn't worth even talking to them, women literally have nothing to offer to a man other than validation and if you can validate yourself with experiences, a career, hobbies etc then you have no use for them.
Women can do all these things and still crave attention from men whereas I personally couldn't give less of a shit about women full stop.
Plus, you get married to one and they eventually let themselves go and become unhinged or ungrateful for the sacrifices you make for them until they inevitably cheat on you because they can't settle for what they have.

>all a mgtow is, is a man who doesn't submit to a woman's wants or needs, thats it

you forgot the part where he cries on the internet about it all day instead of going to enjoy his life like they claim

You can't shame an actual MGTOW back into the fold because they simply don't give a toss about pursuing romantic relationships in this modern age or the social stigma associated with a lack thereof. They probably don't identify themselves as MGTOW either. Plenty of men were staying single by choice before someone coined the term and it became a movement srrounded by drama.


thats it? thats all you could come up with? hahahahaha you lose

this. you could easily call me a mgtow by the way I live my life but I would never call myself one. I've always been this way as far back as I can remember. I just got distracted from that and made to think I should be another way by women so had a few hiccups along the way. but now I'm back to being who I've always been

I think it's more about solidarity.

Besides, I'm sure you can agree british women aren't even worth the time it takes to court them.

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Men Sent Their Own Way

I still put myself out there and meet up with women now and then just for the banter, usually just end up ghosting them though because yeah they have nothing to offer except for sex

want some decent banter? pull some birds, flirt, get to the level where they wanna fuck you then tell them you're not like that, you don't just fuck anything with a pulse. so if you do it'll be on your terms. they will BEG, and then you can ghost them and ruin their lives, and teach them a lesson. builds up your resistance for if and when you meet a bird you actually want to fuck too. so you can easily abstain then as well if she shows a red flag or two

how does this chart even work, as you’d figure that if the celibacy rate of one went up so would the other as there would be less people to fuck, so if not then who are these people fucking?

At its core it was a moderate group with some very valid criticisms on society. As it gained some traction it also attracted the types of men you describe. When reddit banned places the the red pill and incel all of them flocked to the MGTOW boards and suddenly that was evidence that their movement was rotten to the core all along.

the ewige anglo

the women are only fucking a tiny percentage of men while the men that aren't within that tiny percentage are fucking each other and posting trap threads on Zig Forums

This was literally the only reason I used tinder back in the day, draw them in and start ignoring them and they genuinely won't leave you alone to the point you can get them to do anything, it's hilarious man

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>source: my asshole

Fuck roasties
Fuck kikes
Fuck trannies
Fuck jannies
Remember to sage slide threads

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Well certainly their anger is indicative of not being at peace with the way of the world. But mgtow wishes for them to move past that anger and forge an identity based on their choosing rather than of a woman's validation etc.. which I think necessitates that the evil core is removed

last one that did this with me was a nurse working on a cardiac ward, so high risk patients, begging me to let her pick me up n fuck her in the back of her car while we were on lockdown kek

met her at the local shops once as well when I went food shopping n made her carry my shopping

You are top tier cuck. Did you write this so you could show the screen to a female friend to get a crumb of pussy?
Marriage is developed in a way that gives advantages only to women leaving none to men. So MGTOW is only based

Men who are able to form a relationship with a woman and have kids yet choose not to are traitors contributing to the demise of their race.

MGTOW is the enemy.

One of our enemies at least.

>simp gets married n has maybe one or two kids with a wife who eventually divorces him
>mgtow ups his body count every single year until he's too old and has kids by different women everywhere he goes, some he pays for, some are paid for and raised by other men

simps are the enemy man. its because of married family men who are appeaser "yes dear" types that we have gynocentrism

mgtow are ahead of the curve, some go monk mode yes, but they're the lowest hanging fruit. top dogs will be able to live the mgtow lifestyle and have more kids than any simp will ever have purely because they'll be all over the place n keep moving from woman to woman and location to location

>Men who are able to form a relationship with a woman and have kids yet choose not to are traitors contributing to the demise of their race.

Imagine unironically ruining the only life you have for an abstract, collectivist social goal lmao

Lol nice try roastie

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Is... is that real?

Ya OK fren.

There's only one thing more pathetic than a person in MGTOW...


what about ppl who talk abt ppl who talk abt ppl in mgtow? :o

>but they're the lowest hanging fruit
Careful. You are on the edge of betraying what you said mgtow was in