But raping is just normal human behavior, why is it so criminalized?

But raping is just normal human behavior, why is it so criminalized?

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Rape is a social construct


because it's traumatizing to women, it can injure physically and scar mentally a woman, i hope you are a woman in your next life and get raped by a pack of niggers and see for yourself how it's like

Murder and theft are normal human behavior too

Hard to have a functional society with it legal. Murder is natural to some extend, but its illegal for the common good.

Rape is the ultimate disgrace to a spiritual man. To be so consumed by your animalistic desires that you violate the temple of another being. That is rape.

Your soul can never recover from it, you will forever be stained by it. You may ask for forgiveness, you may get it, but you dont deserve it.

Rapists are scum and should be castrated

women get raped for thousands of years after every war.

> traumatizing

>implying women don't enjoy getting raped by a pack of niggers
but biting into your bait, what if the gender is reversed?

> ending the life of someone is exactly the same as 20 minutes of sex.

because society dictates that courting is necessary to have sex

i honestly hope you both get raped
you would probably rope yourself afterwards

>average anti-rape cuck
you must be proud of yourself

It's Her Turn

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You can't steal another man's property, whether it's her fathers or her husbands. Next.

It’s not normal and has never been normal that’s why every society, every religion has condemned rapists.

it's so traumatizing that it's the number 1 fantasy of theirs, as shown by the fiction they spend hours reading

Laws in general are just a social construct mortality or being just, is a survival tactic.
In reality you're free to do whatever you want, but in return they're free to imprison you, people don't understand this world has no rules
And that we're animals playing pretend human.

I think a lot of the trauma comes from the way society treats the victims

Do you think a cave woman would have walked around the rest of her life feeling traumatized ? She probably wouldn't remember.

ok cuck.
Rape fantasies are the most popular amongst women. They want to feel helpless.

I'm not condoning rape in modern society but its not has bad as you think it is as long as there is no violence. It happened for thousands of years including after ww2.

>rape is natural
>unless it's not me who does it

there should be a coalfax for rapists you fucking animals

Honestly, I don't know why it's criminalized.
I'd love to fuck your virgin boipucci.

well not every religion... shout out to the mussies

The only difference between sex and rape is your state of mind. So really, rape is just a social construct.

Murder is normal human behavior
Normal human behavior can be abhorrent simultaneously.
Rape is traumatizing for the victim party, and those that enjoy it or get off on it are just showing that they’re mentally damaged humans who’ve suffered years of psychologically torment and propaganda. Rape is a taboo for both men and women. Men want to do it because we’ve been told it’s wrong our whole lives, and the idea of robbing one of their agency and consent using nothing but your superior strength is something that could make even the prudest of males rock hard. Women want it because they’ve also been told how awful and terrible it is, but like any taboo, someone is going to get off on that idea of being owned and dominated in a way out of their control

It’s literally a perfect metaphor for how damaged and hedonistic our societies have become. We can outwardly condemn such terrible and disgusting behavior, but create and nurture the conditions needed to cultivate such behavior in the first place

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We have that, it’s called prison

post tits

rape is surprise sex

>what is prison and sexual predator database

Live pic of the OP...

Attached: download (3).jpg (221x229, 7.49K)

cave women are not same as today's woman, the comparation is redundant
rape happened for thousans of years because women are biologically weaker than men and can't defend them selves, rape only feels good for the rapist, if women really liked raped they wouldn't be any trauma afterwards, imagine being a frail women getting jumped by an ugly smelly nigger who is shoving his dick forcefully into you and you can't defend yourself. if rape is so much fun, why do men hate being raped in jail and get traumatized after? don't fall for the women like to be raped meme it:s a jewish ploy

>implying the majority of rapists in 2020 get what they deserve


What would you think if I caused your mother irreversible psychological damage and incontinence from forcibly ravaging her dry pastrami pussy with my absolutely massive schmeat?
Would you want me to me free?

It is not normal, it is an act of desperation when the environment is not natural

Rape is just an accident

Most rapists don’t get put in jail sadly because it’s a very hard crime to prove and not everyone reports.

Actually the Quran is against it.



Rapists get punished now more than they ever did
They’d be punished more if women were more willing to name their abusers, and not curb any attempts to violently deal with these subhumans, but hey what do I know? It seems like everything is rape nowadays

>because it’s a very hard crime to prove and not everyone reports.

When men can have sex (reproduce) whenever they want/needs.

Then society will cease to exist. Basic Biology.

rape is a legitimate breeding strategy

Because fantasy and reality are the same thing

>what if the gender is reversed?
If a pack of women on average twice your weight, and 20 yo older than you force you to have sex, you wouldn't enjoy it.

It's theft of another man's property. Rapists were killed in the old days for the same reason cattle rustlers got strung up.

I would enjoy it.
Grow some balls, pal.

Are you the town rapist?



>implying men are above nature and are not just highly evolved animals

Look up the percentage of rapists that actually get convicted it’s depressingly low... It still mostly a he said she said situation and in most cases rape is basically impossible to prove sadly unless the rapists admits to the crime.

Rape is theft to women.

Rape is a natural equalizer. A woman can cuck a man, but a man can rape a woman. This helps to keep the balance. A woman who sleeps behind a man’s back should also be punished as a rapist.

I wish a nice beautiful woman rape me

Slavish morality