Thread for political discussion of Argentina and latest events
Check the OP for updates
IGNORE shitposters, demoralizers and reddit tier posts, just ignore them don't feed the trolls
Avoid discussions about how to leave the country and other unrelated stuff. This is not a bugging out/relocating thread (so far)
Braindead peronchos, leftists and kukas eat shit
Be careful about what words do you use to talk to avoid breaking the rules so the thread doesn't get deleted
2. OFFICIAL PASTEBIN: [to be added soon]
Ok, let's see what current events we have today and what we can do with them
>ENACOM to censor social media and "fake news"
>commandos already arresting people for sharing such content
Short Morás video on the topic
>people are lynching freed criminals
that's a good beginning, let's see how we can exploit this
>feminazis defending rapists
This is causing madness between them, easy to exploit. A lot of people are starting to wake up against them. Malena Pichot's twitter is shitfest right now
>Morás stuff about Soros started getting more views and even shared with translation on brazilian media
No idea if this is normalfag friendly but it got more light than expected. Perhaps it can be exploited too
>Felipe Sola insulting a diputada
>peronchos getting rekt and ending jobless and without the IFE
>Albertitere receiving troll drawings of he freeing the rapists
Both things are VERY exploitable
>transas vs chorros war plan
-searching for useful radio frecuences
-meme and templates for social media war
-social media memewar
-creation of the Pastebin (suggest stuff with URLs so I compile it. Anything from prepper stuff to news is welcome)
-research other meme wars that did actually have IRL effect from other countries and see what can we apply here