Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Heinrich Niedlich Edition

>Election analysis 2014-2019

>Meme Collections

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

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Attached: Strichmännchen.png (1024x871, 126.33K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Das Jüngste Gericht, blyat!

Attached: Gopnik Heinrich.png (719x599, 150.09K)

jetzt aber gud nacht

Wtf did I just watch?

Gut N8!

Attached: Heinrich Honk.png (430x619, 41.93K)


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>he needs to follow his democratic urges and tell people about shit
That's not the best road to go down, with Communists in our nations. Look at what they do with Corona, being little snitches, etc. I'm saying that we are past the point of no return with the truth and government. Use your imagination and assume it's correct, otherwise perish with the herd of sheep where you belong.

That's the channel of some Ukranian dude (the Gollum you see in the vid) who goes around the tunnels underneath his city (not sure which city as I never watched his content). But i'm told it's grand. Guy's name is Super Sus

he lives in ze bunker

The video you posted isn’t available.

might be a simp caught in orbit
let's watch it together fren

Attached: frenship.jpg (320x460, 35.1K)

What ever you say wrinkly balls
>this video is unavailable.
He's old man simp

cough - check
sore throat - check
fever - check was an honor to roll with you...

Attached: 2f0.jpg (800x450, 32.81K)

Watch this then:

No reason to be mean to him.

Don't try to bullshit a bullshitter dude, I've been posting here for long enough to have seen it all. You can maybe trick a young girl which is also giant newfag but me

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Aw Tay you are a good big sister.

yeah and the forces that are, are just so beyond everyone's imagination
while not everyone gets crushed easily
people like Gaby Weber or Glenn Greenwald are still alive, even if banned from many countries and archives, then again many journalists have died the past decades and the majority are slaves to 3-4 year volontariat/volunteer service to get to the next level of really shit pay and then a few more years
there's just no room to ever shift from party line without destroying your career, so it's easier to just follow and believe it with conviction
what did Eli Wiesel say about indifference
and how is indifference plaguing people right now, to cause harm to others, let it happen or justify it
also worrysome what kind of people are even able to get through these years of unpaid internship and how they have to bend over to sell themselves

>might be a simp caught in orbit
Nope, never orbit.
>What ever you say wrinkly balls
Aren't all balls wrinkly ?
Apprecite that, but don't worry, I can take it. :)
I'm the new guy in a thread full of regulars. Typical stuff, and very tame actually.

Come on Chinky, it's really obvious that the guy has bad intentions

Is wearing jogging trousers ok at uni? I wear them every time when there is an exam because they are just so much more comfy. However, people occasionally look at me in a funny way (I also had a sort of surgery a few months ago which forced me to wear comfy clothes) and sometimes I feel like people laugh at me. Is this normal?

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Thanks for looking out for me though I don’t think he’s one of the doxxers Tbh, though I’ll be really careful what I tell
him if I talk to him more in the future, anyways I’m gonna go to bed now, goodnight to you and everyone else! :)

>Come on Chinky, it's really obvious that the guy has bad intentions
How so, memeflag ?

Which of the posters are you? The pirate flag?

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he just did not get what hegemony really means

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Ist das bloß ein Meme oder hat er Recht?

You tried and failed, now fuck off and leave the girl alone you lowlife

Most likely

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In der Öffentlichkeit würde ich an deiner Stelle wirklich keine Jogginghose tragen, es sieht immer schlampig aus.

Fuck you retard ass bitch. Better hope your windows are strong enough to keep the Arabs and Niggers from bursting in.

can we do it? can we beat the depression before it sets in?
is economy even real?

Attached: moneys.gif (600x777, 293.76K)

>Do I think, as a professional American and freedom lover, that people choose career paths that they should really, in reality, have no business being in?
Yes. Hence why some people even get killed. Life is full of lessons to teach us everyday, we cannot escape ourselves. (In lay man's terms, because I choose to cut corners right now for the sake of getting to the point) Basically, a lot of "child-like" adults choose certain career paths that the shoes are far too big for them. And journalists, even though lots of them are big pieces of shit, constantly fail, and mismanage money, mismanage information, mismanage conversations with people they interview for news. (Perhaps due to the lack of true education anymore). Most people in this world think they can cut corners, rip people off is more or less what they do, and then roll in on the lottery ticket of earnings. In hindsight: everyone wants the luxury paradise, too few people want to do the extreme labor required for it.

Du hattest nach mir gefragt?


Und wenn ich sie nur zu Prüfungen trage? Da ist es halt echt nice, wenn man sich comfy fühlt.


Tu was immer du für richtig hälst, du Lappen. Aber tu's selbstbewusst.

Geh doch gleich im pyjama, ist dir ja offensichtlich eh alles scheißegal.

I've never posted with a memeflag. Despise them.
The fact of the matter is that I crossed paths with her yesterday, for the first time ever as far as I know, and liked how she handled herself in a thread which 90% of people were attacking her. Myself included a bit, at first. She mentioned that she usually posted in this thread, so I came over to say hi. That's it.
Oh, go fuck yourself, paraniod memeflag.

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Dann trag ich sie weitherhin, aber nur zu Prüfungen.

Ne ist es mir egtl nicht:)


Mach was du nicht lassen kannst. Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass dein Studiengang sowieso eine reine Würstchenparty ist und es nicht wirklich drauf ankommt

Du musst deine Familie ehren und immer bestens angezogen und gepflegt sein. Besonders bei Prüfungen.


Jo, dann mach ichs wohl so, also halt nur zu Prüfungen Jogginghose. Naja, danke für euren Rat.

>Besonders bei Prüfungen.
Nö, da geht's mir ja nur um die Note.

yeah and certain professions clearly attract that as well, I agree on "true education" tho that goes beyond just school, needs family, culture.
There's a bit of interesting game theoretical research with students all over the world, trying to gauge morality through typical money games and then trying to review what kind of professions they want to have.
There's a very strong bias for the most corrupt to professions like teaching, social/psychological healthcare, government offices and journalism.
in a world where most people are like what you describe, can't let go of past or current life stages and there is temptation everywhere
things are going to suck for the children who are exposed to this while their parents almost regularly show them how much more important attention for little boxes is than for them
and all the destruction that will be caused by words, to rationalize, to deflect, to just not care and get back to all that blinking skinner box shit

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