How would you redesign your nation's flag?

How would you redesign your nation's flag?

Attached: US flag redesign.png (1301x762, 100.46K)

Attached: US flag redesign2.png (1313x741, 259.35K)

Attached: Fascist United States.jpg (2002x1230, 237.66K)

Not like that

Attached: 756430975435.png (1200x873, 17.2K)

You're thinking too much inside the box. What makes USA - USA? Think about that for a moment. It's not all fucking stars and stripes, dude.

Attached: betsy-ross-flag.gif (1024x615, 12.4K)

Um, hello? Based department?

It's fine as it is

Attached: unnamed (2).jpg (450x396, 44.33K)

i'd make it red and then slap one of these bad boys in it

Attached: Swazticka.jpg (1080x1028, 94.34K)