Even if we cut off all 100% of immigration TODAY, unless we can figure out a way to increase white birth rates or import more whites, we're just postponing a majority nonwhite America by about 20 years. America would become majority nonwhite around 2060, not 2040 on our current course. Something has to change.
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>Something has to change.
bullets > ballots
>Something has to change.
trust in god
You're gonna shoot everyone who isn't white? Ridiculous. The answer is to have white families and create 4 or more white children.
What do you mean? I am white, not black.
>Something has to change.
How about we get rid of all the spicks.
no i don't want to kill any particular race. i just want whites to survive as a race and that isn't happening with the current power structure.and that power structure isn't going to change peacefully. like OP points out, whites are going extinct without a combination of ending immigration and simultaneously forcing white birthrates to skyrocket. The Dems and GOP work hand in hand to ensure this will never happen.