KKK hood shopper to be charged with hate crimes

Freedom of expression is dead in America:

>Police: Shopper wore KKK hood at California store

>Authorities are looking into whether a man who they say wore a Ku Klux Klan hood while grocery shopping in a San Diego suburb over the weekend could face criminal charges, the sheriff’s department said Monday.

>The unidentified man was photographed with the white hood while pushing a grocery cart at the store in the town of Santee on Saturday, a day after the county required people to wear masks outside to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, according to the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department.

>Store clerks asked him to take off the hood or leave the store, according to The San Diego Union-Tribune. He removed the tall, pointed hood that had two small eye holes cut into it, paid for his groceries and left.

>Deputies were not called to the scene but are investigating to see if he could be charged with a possible hate crime, the department said.

>“The Sheriff’s Department does not condone hate or any acts of intolerance in our communities,” the department said in a news release.

>Santee Mayor John Minto issued a statement thanking “all who stepped forward to curtail this sad reminder of intolerance. Santee, its leaders, and I will not tolerate such behavior.”


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Land of the Free lmao

Probably just someone who doesn't like mask laws. Here is the controversy you deserve.

OI! You got a LOICENSE for that bedsheet? We can't just have people running around here with unlicensed bedsheets!

Cops release a statement to get dumb white lib fag off their backs.

Ooops, I'm sorry, I meant to type unLOICENSED bedsheets

>being this much of a boot licker

>Person false flags that the KKK are alive and well
>Gets fined for hate speech

Good. Talk shit get hit

How big yer lips doe

I didn't say it was good or bad. I'm saying if masks are okay then here's a pretty good mask. I think the headdress has historical connotations before the KKK as well?

But he didn’t get hit. Litterally nothing happened. He paid for his groceries and left lol

Fake and gay. What could they possibly charge him with?

I actually agree with this. Freedom from the government is not freedom from me. That's why I dox women who get abortions

Yup, I'm thinking America will be over sometime in the next 10 years? Anybody else care to place some bets?


Our guy

>>Store clerks asked him to take off the hood or leave the store, according to The San Diego Union-Tribune. He removed the tall, pointed hood that had two small eye holes cut into it, paid for his groceries and left.

>>Santee, its leaders, and I will not tolerate such behavior.

Wow, I guess Zig Forums was right all along, they won't be happy until all of us are dead. Well, if paying for your groceries and going about your business like a good little citizen won't work...

Didnt you read? A hate crime. 6 million jews and blacks died becouse of HATE. Its illegal.

id say 20 years after you become a minority

ok Zig Forums which one of you was this

Just need to find a black person to do it and wear gloves. Heads would explode when forced to take the mask off.


>putting a white bed sheet above your head is good enough to land you in the nations „best“ „newspapers“
Average IQ is in free fall.

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Thats not a KKK hood, its a religious penitent hood worn by Catholics who have sinned and seek absolution during holy week.

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Whenever Texas goes blue all hope is lost

That's Catholic garb. Caparote or some word like it.

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