Black Twitter is out of control, they have doxed countless kids for making "racist" jokes. Their lives are ruined and there's not much we can do about that now. The only thing we can do is get into these threads early (at least before they begin fixing the kid) and flood them until the OP deletes

Attached: Screenshot_20200504-201211(1).png (1080x1847, 530.07K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Isn't this against Twitter's terms of service

The gadsden flag is no racist unless you are retarded and don't know American history.
So yeah black twitter would think it's racist.

Learn to counter-jew. Report any tweets for having private info, being "harassing", or racist if it's against white people.

Attached: jew.jpg (1551x973, 188.23K)

>Black Twitter
Why is Twitter segregated? That's so racist.

Attached: animals of africa 1.jpg (415x425, 57.39K)

Yes, but so is adultery in Michigan.

Reporting won't do shit. Twitter is full jew

That’s funny that some ppl might think it’s racist when I wear a Gadsden flag T-shirt
Fuckin weird

I can't imagine you could do anything to discourage people from acting this way, but there may be a way to disrupt discourse on twitter through some means.