The UFO videos verified by the Pentagon show incredible advanced technology

This peer reviewed scientific article in an academic journal, by a professor of physics at the University of Albany with an h-index of 28 (i.e. he is cited a lot), demonstrates in an analysis of the 2004 USS Nimitz UFO video ( that it accelerates at around 75.9g (!) when it moves to the left from a standstill.

An F/A-18 can do maximum 7.5g. The UFO in that video can perform a feat FAR BEYOND human technology. The average person can handle 5g, and the most a human has ever endured was 40g for a few seconds.

>The extreme estimated flight characteristics reveal that these observations are either fabricated or seriously in error, or that these craft exhibit technology far more advanced than any known craft on Earth. In many cases, the number and quality of witnesses, the variety of roles they played in the encounters, and the equipment used to track and record the craft favor the latter hypothesis that these are indeed technologically advanced craft. The observed flight characteristics of these craft are consistent with the flight characteristics required for interstellar travel, i.e., if these observed accelerations were sustainable in space, then these craft could easily reach relativistic speeds within a matter of minutes to hours and cover interstellar distances in a matter of days to weeks, proper time.

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No on e gives a fuck until these gray niggers land on the White House lawn and AYYYY with Trump.

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Bump, dled for later reading.

Yeah I realized all human tech in the public sphere was primitive bullshit before I finished college.

You'll never play with the cool stuff unless you want to be the government's bitch.

Watch Bob Lazar's shit on jewtube.

Bump have been waiting for a report like this.
>today leaf was pretty alright

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>believing government lies
Pull yourself together Changstein

They aren't aliens. They have been here for longer than we have. They live in the sea. They are crab people.

Standstill from the point of the observer. These are meteors bouncing off the atmosphere.

They aren’t ET and they do come from the sea, that I agree with. Crab people though? Sounds delicious. I think if we actually had a look at them they would look no different than other humans. Not that they’re human the same as we are. But externally and superficially, they probably appear human.

Can't believe we've essentially had disclosure, and I pretty much don't give a shit.

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Unfortunately this is what they were hoping for.

Just means the public is ready for further disclosures.

Why won't the Aliens fix the Virus? What a bunch of fucks...

Whose the say the didn't mitigate? IMO this virus was intended to cull many millions.

the only fucking disclosure i want is that the chink viroid was indeed a bioweapon and that these space niggers are here to reinstate the third reich

No, the FLIR-1 video shows the object holding a still position, and it then moves off to the left, which is calculated through physical modelling to be an acceleration around an astounding 75.9g. There is simply no human technology that is known to allow for that kind of flight characteristic.

That's why it's been done through soft disclosure - slowly preparing the public through media and trickles of news over the decades, and at this point, nobody cares. The public is lobotomized, they have an attention span of about a week when it comes to any news story. With the Covid-19 crisis, any other story is now a nothingburger by default.


Sweet they're probably just waiting until we can actually catch them to talk to us. That's a good policy. They'll inevitably be at war with some nation or other.

what would plebs even do with a nuclear powered spinning aircraft thing? troll people at the beach like they do with bi-planes is about all.

Yes, our incredible advanced technology. UFO declas was signal warfare.

If it can reach relativistic speeds does that mean they could literally KO our planet at any second if they desired

However nobody will with that kind of footage, it’s something you literally have to see in detail to believe. We’ve been conditioned with blurry dots and ‘balls of light’ for so long that they mean nothing at all.
We need HD footage of a fucking craft which has to be obviously of unknown origin/tech.

If they even care about contact with us. Imagine a society of psychic drones that evolved on a planet without separate landmass or tribes. What precedence would they have for contacting another culture, or even communicating with non-telepathic beings?

>76Gs of acceleration

Holy shit

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Yes and that's not even their most powerful tech. They or other species likely harness the power of black holes, it wouldn't be surprising if they could just send our sun supernova. In fact it wouldn't be surprising if another species had canvased us out for that.

dont fucking tell me the schizoids threads lately were actually right about disclosure happening soon

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I would weigh... 200 x 76 = about 15 000 pounds. That's absurd.

Never count out the schizoids, they were right about elites doing weird satanic shit, they were right about CIA mind control experiments, they'll be right again.

Aliens are demons, hop off kid.

This. Til then aliens are fuckin gay