Are people in the US getting a monthly $2,000 stimulus payment during the outbreak?

>A bill has been introduced to Congress so Americans get a $2,000 stimulus payment until the end of the year due to the coronavirus pandemic in the US.
>If the Emergency Money for the People Act became law, the $2,000 monthly payments would be guaranteed for at least six months. They would then be renewed for another six months, unless the employment-to-population ratio for people ages 16 and older returns to the pre-coronavirus employment level of 60%. These payments would not count as income, so they would not affect your eligibility for any income-based federal or state government assistance programs.

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Other urls found in this thread:–slave_morality#Slave_morality

Honestly I don't know what else we can do besides UBI since so many people are going to be unable to pay rent. Those landlords need the money, won't do them any good to kick people out if there's no one with money to move in.

They sent my check the 24th and i still haven't got that shit i fucking hate this country i think theyre doing this on purpose to make me pop off

Based I'm gonna blow it all on anime figures.

That money should go to the companies, they know how to spend it better than us goyim

Supply chain is collapsing. Doesn't matter how money is going around. There will be nothing to buy

>not universal

All should have a solid meal to keep it on an even keel. Disaster disqualifies the masters.

They’ll probably foreclose the building before kicking people out. Finding new renters will be neigh impossible.

Fuck the government, most of the people who need the money are niggers and mexicans and the rest are retarded millenials who dont know the value of a dollar. I hope it doesnt pass and they just shit on people by telling them to get back to work.

i wish. they're probably not going to give another check out. they're just gonna wait till over 100k die after opening up the states and make everyone deal.

I haven't even gotten my trump check.

If you think about it, this honestly makes sense. That way, the free market can decide who deserves the money, we still reward hard work and it will promote ingenuity and innovation in business. We'll also attract the best workers from around the world since they'll know our businesses are equiped to fund and pay for cutting edge tech and workers.

Holy fuck if they keep this up our economy is going to go pre nazi Germany mode, a trillion dollars will buy a loaf of bread


unfortunately I think it's more like this. There won't be an other mass gibbings until the majority of people are broken and in despair. Think around fall. There's no way everyone is getting 2k per month while there are "open up" protests going on.

Imagine getting mad about having to stay home and get free money. Why are people protesting this? Hope this goes on for another year or two. I’m getting paid $750 a week in unemployment to stay home and play video game’s and jerk off

Australia already tried this
A. the rollout was a shambles, because millions of people who had never been in the welfare system all piled on government offices
B. the handouts were rushed and easy to game
C. debt collectors and (((merchants))) jumped in immediately, forcing people to repay debts and selling them things they couldn't afford
D. with so many businesses closed, people had nowhere to spend the money

It stopped the toilet paper riots, but ultimately the huge expenditure is going to be paid for by an already struggling minority of taxpayers.
Just a warning burgerbro's

>this is unironically the way most conservatives think

Show flag

Kek, well if the democrats are right all of those people are gonna get sick and then we'll definitely need UBI. If the protesters are right, we can all get back to work to the jobs that no longer exist because no one has money to spend.

Exactly, American businesses hire the best of the best and choose the most responsible and efficient global partners while fostering relationships across the board with small and big businesses alike

You can't pay rent with $750/mo and you sure can't support or feed a family.

>imagine thinking there are no consequences
Enjoy the manufactured crisis, user.

Temporary UBI has to happen to get the economy back on track. Prices will not inflate. They didn't inflate with the $1200 stimulus checks. They decreased. People were able to fill up their gas tanks for $20. People were able to feed their entire families for $20. The Covid-19 crisis is far from over- you know it as much as I do. Expect it to get worse. At worst you will be prepared, at best you will be pleasantly surprised.


They're reopening within the next few weeks, it's pointless now.

Housing costs are the problem.

You won't do shit, nor will anyone else.

How much would that run us? $2k x 7 months x 150 mil tax payers = 2.1 trillion. Yeah fuck it, why not

Plan is to dump it all into my mortgage. Would be pretty fucking sweat. No more mortgage insurance.

rollin for a housing market collapse and a ton of cash saved up by not doing retarded normie shit.

That's it I'm taking a voluntary leave from my job so I can qualify for this shit. I'm so fucking salty that everyone else has been getting $600 per week ON TOP OF the regular state unemployment while I have to keep going to work for the same net income. Fuck this I'm tired of being on the loosing team. Tired of being a sucker working to pay for everyone else's benefit. I quit, and I hope the rest of the working class comes to this same conclusion and we all crash this fucking economy with no survivors.

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Pretty sure there are at least 4 weeks in every month

Reopening to what? Who's going to go spend money when they have no money? How will they pay rent? How will business afford to reopen without customers?

He said PER WEEK. In my state it's actually $1050 per week. At least that's what I qualify for after I quit/take a leave from work.

they already gave that much to banks and mega jew corps.. god forbid you gave it to the goyim though that is impossible

$750 a WEEK genius

I’ll enjoy watching from inside my house

>Guaranteed (You)s, everytime

demand and take as much as you can. they print trillions of imaginary money on a regular basis to piss down the black hole of corporate bailouts. take what you need to survive.

lose your slave morality.–slave_morality#Slave_morality

I work at UPS and hate my life.
I still have to get up and go to work loading trucks every day for the same exact pay while everyone else sits at home ordering useless bullshit off of amazon.
We are at peak levels of volume. It's actually becoming dangerous in the warehouse with the amount of bulk that is coming through.
The worst part is this is a fucking union job and our fucking union doesn't even bother to get us hazard pay or anything to make it worthwhile. Meanwhile the company is making money hand-over-fist off of all this.

>be me
>Growing up poor
>Work my ass off every day through school
>Graduate top of everything
>Marry qt3.14 gf and have 3 kids
>Slave away at my career for a decade until I'm making $120k per year, taking home $5.5k/mo post tax
>Government can just give me that for nothing because it's Monopoly money not backed by value or productive work

Fuck Jews

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If everyone has less money to spend then the amount of rent landlords could charge would fall naturally. Housing prices would fall. That's what this is stimulus is primarily about; supporting the exorbitantly high rent and housing prices that the boomers thrive off of. dummies and sociopaths murdering patients in ny causing high death rate

Im not
works shutdown but ive not seen a dime

Shouldn't have joined a shitty union.

some truth in this
what are you not enjoying the controlled demolition of America?

You think I'd be getting hazard pay if the union wasn't there?
Think before you post.

Rent prices have a lower limit based on mortgage, property tax, and upkeep.

Demand can only drive down price so far.

Bro it took Congress weeks to hammer out giving out a one time payment of a grand when people needed it most to pay rent. Some people still haven't gotten their checks a month after they were supposed to go out.
This will never happen. I'll cut off and eat my own dick if it does.