It is remarkable how much females hate this word. Best meme to come out of Zig Forums in a long time, pushing the culture in the right direction. Well done lads

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Women hate it? I'm surprised they even know about it in the first place.

Simp is a memetic killshot that makes all the right people uncomfortable all at once.

It is popping up more and more on social media in particular, and will continue to spread. And yeah, they fucking hate it. It’s so good.

Yeah this. I don’t even really know why, it’s just perfect. I’ve always fucking hated these kinds of guys but didn’t have the word for it.

>Best meme to come out of Zig Forums in a long time
Being this new

>Zig Forums started simp

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This is the first place I saw it.
Who started it?

I’ve done my time bruh

Simping has been a word in Black American culture forever.

Yeah the words been around forever, but I’m talking about the recent spread of it on like twitter and TikTok, for guys who comment and like whore videos