Who wears a beanie at the white house?
Who wears a beanie at the white house?
Henry Evans
Bentley Wood
People that are too insecure to shave their head and be done with it.
Ryan Powell
im not bald but would totally do this
t. beanie crew
Camden Perez
A CIA agent
Juan Carter
jfk is probably rolling over in his grave knowing tat this retard took a selfie next to his portrait.
Lincoln Roberts
Come on Tim, you can do it.
Christopher Kelly
it could be his signature move
Kevin Wilson
Luke Perez
People with really nice hair that dont want to trigger balding drumpf
Sebastian Foster
self conscious cowards.
This stupid asshole spends his days yelling about Democrat Establishment abuse and corruption yet he still somehow finds a way to say nice things about Andrew fucking Yang.
Hopefully this stupid mutt gook wakes up one day and grows a paid of balls because im fucking sick of his shit