I mean i guess its mine but if you think of another one i would change my mind. This is quite blackpilling as we cannot think of a single country where white men are the demons the "left" portrays us as.
What is the most alpha white country?
Luke Cooper
Mason Campbell
original anglo leafs. no joke.
Isaiah Rivera
Aussies on Zig Forums are smarter but most people in Australia are retards. Thanks to drinking culture.
Jaxson Taylor
>Alpha white country
>Gave up all your guns because a dozen people got blasted.
Haha, no. You're going to be a chinese vassal state soon enough anyway.
William Bailey
>not cucked
Jason Flores
How did Anglos get cucked so hard by the kikes if they conquered the whole world? It seems pretty strange since genetic determinism says they should always be conquering land instead of losing it.
Landon Harris
Canada, of course
Owen Perry
Better than being a jewish vassal state.
Chase Baker
They're all gay and feminized, sadly.
Ayden Gray
npcs,bots,, ledditors and glows r going overdrive
i never done this. lets see