Why resist it? It’s going to be forced on everyone eventually anyway, we’re heading into 1984 whether you want it or not, it’s just how the future is going to be for the world.
It is low IQ to think the world, nations, states, governments and communities won’t ever be 100.00% monitored, it is extreme ignorance to you won’t be fully monitored in the future.
What are you even going to do about it? Nothing, exactly.
Yes this can lead to governments using it for nefarious things, and it will, but that’s just the reality of the future world we will all live in, the virus has only accelerated this process.
Not putting this on your phone is a poor choice for resisting the control. Put it on your (burner) phone, and your tablet with extra mickey mouse details, give one to mum or leave it at work, generally up the numbers so PTB get complacent and choose voluntary only etc.
Similar to how should always take part in political polls then state you will vote the opposite of actual vote and are all the opposite views. A lot of these systems rely on presumptive compliance and low noise, have to wreck the metrics.
Jason Cruz
Oops I accidentally drank some bleach. Drinking bleach is bad so I guess the solution is to... drink some more?
Connor Long
Ask yourself how logical it is to fear what you can’t avoid, wouldn’t it be easier for you to just accept it, get use to it, and move on with your life, instead of stressing over the inevitability of the whole situation?
Robert Long
fuck off glow nigger we all hate you
Isaiah Gutierrez
You will need a virus tracker on you when you travel in the future. Doing so without one will lead to fines and jail, and you will not be able to travel. It will become an additional security measure similar to a passport.
This will 100% happen, whether you or I like it or not. This is the future, and it’s been accelerated by Covid19.
Gabriel Sanchez
The reality is that the privacy policy is currently unclear and where the data is stored and who has access to it is unclear.
Also, see what happened with the metadata that ISP's have to provide, it started out 'to fight terrorism" but has been used to chase up fines for local governments. Sure it may be used for its intended purpose now, but who is to say that it won't be used to track people for law enforcement tomorrow.
>What's the issue with this? Legislation is being inttroduced with the stated aim of addressing 'terrorism', but is in fact used by local government to issue petty fines. The lying, and subsequent non-stated usage of the legislation, is the issue.
What if i don't own such a normie device as a phone
Julian Fisher
Obedience is Resistance
Lincoln Parker
>corona safe >vaccine safe >terrorist safe >LGBT safe >Immigrant safe Before you know it they will move train tickets onto an app and your phone will report you if you like don't buy a ticket
Carson Roberts
well then I guess they spray-paint your horses or something.
Xavier Miller
Xavier Martinez
If it's going to be forced then why bother downloading it? Just wait for it to be mandatory. Like why would you bother lifting a finger