French here. Name is Foued. Ask me anything about my country and its culture
French here. Name is Foued. Ask me anything about my country and its culture
>Name is Foued.
do you blan on drinking bleach anytime soon you filthy sandnigger?
why dont you understand that this thread belong on ?
I'd rather hear it from a Frenchman, not an invader.
Cause it's bait. It's an Islamic name (I think Algerian), and he's trying to act as if he's French.
I'm french tho. Got my french ID even
Where's the best wine in France?
Why did you add a nigger to French Sudans flag?
I don't drink alcohol
You are not French, you sandnigger. Go back to the desert and fuck a goat.
Why are romanians so much bigger than french people?
Beurette a khel oui ou non?
We have them cleaning our windscreens
Funny thing, heh? It's actually a mask, but hey, making fun of negroes has it's own charm.
Lol someone makes a meme out of this
No shit.
tf this dumbass is talking about, the girl pictured is not even from the Maghreb
I love baguette. Do you have a baguette?
kek bien vu l'ami
Macron is a nig loving manlet
When will you return to the France of my youth?
>remember what they stole from you
>Never asked for these feels
that's fucking sad
If you actually love french culture, you'd change your name.
Ta gueule françois Iglesia
Modern french fags are larping linguini niggers
How do you have the gall to criticize others for human rights or imperialism when you literally made parts of Africa use your currency for years which fucked over their growth?
It's called francafrique. Your beloved Charles du galle did all this.
assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
how can people be so dumb?