>be woman >excited taking off his pants >pull down under wear >it’s an ant eater >smells bad >dissapointment in your eyes >he’s oblivious and peels back his skin >flicks away gross gunk of bacteria and fungus >smells awful
>Pic related
Wash up stink dicks, don’t forget to peel back your bacteria traps
>be man >excited taking off her skirt >pull down panties >it’s two giant meat curtains >smells bad >disappointment in your eyes >she’s oblivious and tells you to begin licking >flicks away gross gunk of previous dicks >smells awful
William Evans
Bentley Hall
>be gay >excited taking off his pants >pull down under wear >it’s a gaping scabbed anus >smells bad >excitement in both men’s eyes >he’s enthralled as he tears open again mixing blood semen and feces > the viral and bacterial load enter his blood stream > smells awful >find a new guy tomorrow
>his dick isnt hard by the time women pull his pants down lmao low T
Grayson Cruz
>he doesnt wash his dick doesnt matter if your circxumcised or not you unclean faggot has a dirty asshole
Evan Lewis
How many infectious bacteria you sick euros hide in your penis. No wonder women are grossed out and repulsed.
Every woman I’ve talked to is grossed out by uncut penises AND the ones that are married to euros say that it’s gross and weird keeping in mind some have only experience with the one