This is why I’m voting for Biden. He wouldn’t brag about something like this.
does this guy sits at his desk 24/7 waiting to reply to a shiny new trump tweet or what the fuck
Americans work on oil field and would be made unemployed if prices stayed negative. If oil prices stay negative nobody would produce oil which would lead to oil shortages which in turn leads to food shortages, material (plastics) shortages, and further unemployment. More over all of muh heckin boomers that were doing this gay as shutdown for would lose their retirement and die on the street from the market collapse this would cause. A more long term and significant one than people just all taking vacation at once.
Literally who?
Oil being cheap is nice, but if it's at some negative number then our own oil industry tanks - not just sand niggers
Theres tons of people who's livelihoods depend on oil having a sustainable value.
Entire towns can get decimated if oil prices plummet because nearly everyone in the town works for the oil industry
everyone knows that
OP is just a panicking shill
Thanks OP. I’ve been wonder what ChinkBots think about this subject
>Yes goy, pay more for your gas. It's not a tax.
Being able to drive 600 miles on 22$ is kinda cool
If you have to pay people to hold the oil you produce, nobody would produce oil.
whoa pretty cool OP you're voting for the open borders tranny loving gun hating chink servants because Drumpf posted a tweet?
we wuz kingz n shit niggas i swear to god man my fucking family man we from fuckin egypt man i was a ancestor! of egypt man! y-y-you tellin me that t-t-them gypsies over there aint black? look at dey skin man dey black like know man like like like know whaim saying man like look man these goddamn wypipo man i i i aint even say it man these wypipo be ruinin our lives man. shit man li li look lemme tell you somefin man, look my gra my grandmamma she part egyptian man you tellin me lo loo look king tut too tah too th th thas my great great great great great grandpa and you tellin me that these godang egyptians aint black? shit man, look man, JVLIVS CÆSAR was black i dont know why these history books be lyin to you, jubilous seizures was black he wasnt white the romans were ruled, by black people shit man i tell you what i swear. they have all the black people america go back to africa they be wantin us back.
thanks OP, we can pretend no one understands cost/inflation and supply control. Oil production value in the negative is much worse for everyone in the country than paying more for petrol, you idiot.
Trump is the last great bastion of hope, not just for you septics, for everyone. Biden is a cabal puppet.
$180 billion US dollars, 10 million Americans employed, needed for most of the food supply to get where it's needed, keeps half the country warm during the winter and takes your fat ass to the hospital twice a year. Sure you want this to fail?
The US is a net exporter of petroleum. Increased demand and thus increased oil prices are beneficial to our economy. The raw price of a barrel of crude does't directly dictate what you pay at the pump.
No shit, everyone is out of work
nice one mutt, right off the posts
Thank God Trump finally realized that oil sub 50 is horrible for the US. He bragged when oil first dropped that cheap oil is good. 11% of the US economy is centered around oil. Not just oil companies, the trucks to transport, trains to transport, equipment, pipelines, etc..oil under 50 a barrel permanently would devastate a major portion of our economy worse than Corona.
Also if youre a lib, theres no possible way we get off oil if you can fill up for 50 cents a gallon. None. The only reason i listen to their alternative bullshit is if the price is right.
Great, pay 5 dollars a gallon. If its keeping oil billionaires rich
>t.zionist cocksucker
Seethe, nigger fag. No one cares that you lack a basic understanding of the oil industry. You must be that kike responder below, with the irreparably fucked up face. Kys.
why is a nervous homeless man included in the cap?
>doesnt know what the petrodollar is or deflation
The price of oil being too low will put domestic oil producers out of business. Once that happens, those nations who are flooding the market to artificially lower the price of oil can then restrict production and drive the price way up. Remember back when gas was $4 a gallon? As long as the US can produce its own oil, that little game cannot work.
Also, that dork in the OP's pic related is a failed musician who realized his talentless ass could get some fame after all by jumping on the orange man bad bandwagon and responding to trump tweets all day long.
No he would brag about withholding funds to Ukraine unless they drop the criminal investigation into his son
Literally every single Trump tweet, this dude is there within minutes with a contrarian response, like he's determined to be a footnote in a future documentary about Trump's Twitter. I don't think he has any real positions or beliefs, just contrarianism because oil recovering from negative prices is categorically a good thing.
Yes. There are people who have built careers out of obsessing over Trumps Twitter posts.
Average Biden supporter.
The price of oil increasing is an indicator of stronger economic activity. That is a good thing. Wtf are you retarded?
Wasn’t he just bragging how cheap oil is a tax break? So now he’s raising my taxes and cheering it on?
Only if you believe the world is more important than America.
sheeeeeeeeit, nigga be trippin'
American industry and employment rely on the price of oil. If those industries die, Russians and Saudis go back to fucking you over with $4 a gallon gas.