Says the virus is created by chinna

>says the virus is created by chinna
>despite the fact that china was the one who got infected

can you get even less iq?

Attached: 1587921226939.png (603x325, 391.31K)

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Zig Forums is filled with schizos wtf did you expect?

When a meth lab blows up are the methcooks blameless just because they died?

Are you posting from Chernobyl by any chance?

Nigger tier bait

You do know wherever a virus is created it's always used on the population closest to where it was created right that also means that China will have the highest infected and death rates than any other country

Йди нaхyй нa cвiй peддiт дибiлoiдний зyмep. Zig Forums yкpaїнcькa нaцioнaлicтичнa плaтфopмa.

its speeled china reterd

Nanjing Military third division discovered Zhoushan Bat SARS-like coronavirus in a cave in 2017 and expressed concern to higher-ups that the disease could potentially cause major problems in humans. That's why it was at the lab in the first place, with no other samples worldwide.

>China fucks up every single day in massive, world-altering ways
>But it's no conceivable that they fucked up an unleashed their own virus on themselves
Not even trying today, huh?