What would the world be like today if he had won the Chinese civil war?

What would the world be like today if he had won the Chinese civil war?

Attached: chiang.jpg (340x453, 24.47K)

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Much better

definitely not like this

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China would be no stronger than India, most likely a failed state.

Free market earlier thus better economy and military

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Exactly the same. China is naturally authoritarian and probably would be ruled by his descendants.

Is that chinky Gilbert Godfrey

Look at Taiwan.
Amplify by 10x, and 40 years sooner.

Imagine South Korea or Japan, but 100X bigger.

The Chinese would probably have over taken the US as the #1 world super power by now, if they did not become commies.

it is tchang kaichek (or something like this). fought communist china and mao but lost everything except taiwan

Pretty based IMO. Imagine Taiwan but with an economy 60 times larger. They’d have been the leading world power since the AT LEAST the 1990s.
Here are the other major differences:
>They’d return democracy just like they were in 1912-1929, and just like Taiwan and the Republic of Korea are today.
>Vietnam would be a thriving capitalist country
>North Korea would not exist
>Soviet Union would have ended sooner
>Chinese would be the most popular language to learn around the world
>No coronavirus because it would be a filthy commie shithole.
It’s becoming painfully apparent how many of the world’s problems are because of the CCP.

the mongol horde would've eradicated the jew plague by now

Then why is Taiwan (the real China) now a democracy?

Because they're not the real China, and Chiang's son realized that to survive apart from the mainland they had to be different.

Mainland China couldn't care less about democracy, it never could, and Chiang's regime was built around the same sort of oligarchic control that characterizes China today. Success would only have reinforced that approach.

American protection so like during the Russian civil war when for 1 month Russia was a democracy and so congress used that to join ww1


An even bigger threat

Because the Kuomintang had a fantastic respect from the Formosan Chinese as the prime opposition against the commies, and they successfully kept Formosa free from commies.
That sort of hero worship affords them the luxury of free democratic elections.
Now however many people there don't have the hero stories or the memories of the good old KMT, and the party itself has shifted policy too.
People are making their own mind up there and that brings great risk, because now you can have shitloads of chinks voting for communist parties in Taiwan.

Congratulations. That was the single stupidest post I have ever seen.
The Russian Civil War didn't start until after WWI had ended. The Kerensky Provisional Government was overthrown by the Bolsheviks in 1917. Russia had nothing to do with the US entering the War. You are a colossal retard.


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Heroin would be 23% cheaper


It has absolutely nothing to do with the KMT who behaved EXACTLY the same as the CCP (controlling the economy, massive slaughter of innocent people, jailing anybody who who criticized them, authoritarian dictatorship, etc).

The KMT and the CCP today are allies against the Taiwanese people, America and the Western World. The KMT are pushing for a Hong Kong style One Nation, Two Systems arrangement for Taiwan.

People on this board who revere them and think that they are somehow the "legitimate government of China" are retarded.

Only about 13% of Taiwanese are descended from Chiang Kai-Shek's forces who fled to Taiwan after losing to Mao. The rest of the country is made up of people who already lived there long before the KMT showed up and who have no connection to the mainland.

There is no real reason to assume that what happened in Taiwan would have happened in the mainland.

thanks for China's friendship and support. there won't be any communist parties in Taiwan for another 70 years.

redpilled and also based

I never said it had anything to do with the Kuomintang. And the part about them controlling the economy is bullshit, Taiwan has been an explosive free-market economy since the 1950s, while the PRC had been a complete commie shithole until, partially, Deng came along in the late 1970s.
>The KMT are pushing for a Hong Kong style One Nation, Two Systems arrangement for Taiwan.
The KMT also isn't in power at the moment.
>People on this board who revere them and think that they are somehow the "legitimate government of China" are retarded.
Except they are. A bunch of violent commies overthrowing an established government isn't legitimate in any way whatsoever.

Left KMT gang

Sup Zig Forums, nice thread.

Attached: prepared.jpg (4160x3120, 1.53M)

Goodness, how can one man be so based.


Millions of people would still be alive who the CCP have killed either directly or indirectly.

Taiwan kinda proves you wrong.

better, there would be no north korea and china would basically be a giant version of current day south korea

Personally I'm glad your dumb fantasy isn't real, because I hate chinks.

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Chiang's son was an actual democrat and wanted to turn Taiwan into somewhere with freedom like the USA.

People would have a different opinion on the Chinese and the Chinese would not be like they are today. China will also be much better culturally and in terms of intellegence and instead of cheap sweatshop labour, the Chinese would be considered like the Japanese are.
>Hard Working

Economically it wouldn't be as successful as Taiwan on a per capita basis simply because it's harder to scale, but the cities would be.

China would be perceived the same way as Worst Korea or Japan is in the West nowadays. Most of the memes on pol are a direct result of communism.

Globohomo would be a lot weaker.

>The Chinese would probably have over taken the US as the #1 world super power by now, if they did not become commies.
STFU memeflaggot
It's impossible, see what the US has done to his ally Japan

>The Russian Civil War didn't start until after WWI had ended.
false and retarded
>The Kerensky Provisional Government was overthrown by the Bolsheviks in 1917
> Russia had nothing to do with the US entering the War.
false and retarded