Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Jaxson Ramirez
Can anyone give a single reason for why a straight American male of European stock should vote for Trump in the next election?
>>>A single reason, >without resorting >to the Diarrhea Fallacy. >Just one, that's all.
Does anyone actually >know someone who got the WuFlu >know someone who knows someone who got the WuFlu >know OF anyone who died of the WuFlu For a million cases, seems even 1 in 300 people have not been affected.
Jaxon Edwards
Is Captain pollution the first case of the Inverse Redhead to Nigger trope the jews have. They turned an evil nigger into a radioactive toxic potato
I guess the argument is that public services still need to be funded. But I say besides unemployment benefits and pensions, shut the State down.
Isaac Garcia
I know of two. And they both have been cleared of the infection. White, early twenties, and good to go. Except, they are still in pain from their lungs and light headed often. It's been three weeks since cleared.
Colton Murphy
>drumpf impeached >suddenly the incubation period argument is out the window I mean, doesn't that argument literally prove the fact thatt he virus is a nothingburger?
> The situation will continue to get worse in America, generally I fully understand that. Still, even if those 9 countries had zero deaths from today on and the US had one 9/11 per two days day (1500 deaths, rounded up) it would take the US about 40 days to **catch up** with those nine countries. That's how many deaths the US would have to have to **catch up**, 1500 more deaths than the sum of these countries for the nect 40 days. Right now the United States has > 137 extra deaths
Based on that it would take 400 days ***to catch up** with those countries, but I can admit the possibility the US situation could get much much worse while those countries could get much much better, it is not impossible.
Now that Drumpf has allowed the Chinese virus to kill 6,000,000 Americans and then demanded the rest of the population to drink bleach what are the chances of Biden winning in November?
The other fact is that the thing is regionalized and considering midwest with NYC is a bit misleading and would indicate that the situation was well under control and that people are doing as they should. Broadly people are opposed to masks and keeping basic distance. They're terribly stupid and filthy.
Does this mean I can quit stocking up shelves and get an actual job in IT, like I'm supposed to do? Will they finally work in their own country instead of working here for nearly nothing and thus outcompeting an actual schooled workforce? Does this mean they will be their own victim of their epic failures in their field of work?
>no matter how many times I say to inject bleach >no matter how many tens of thousands Americans I kill >no matter how many millions I put out of a job >they find a way to criticize me
He is such a fucking baby sometimes
Eli Perry
Haha yes gettem trump
Joshua Miller
based. fuck the memeflu and the faggots who fear it.