IT'S OFFICIAL NOW: 42.4% Mutts are obese in 2019

And it's getting worse with every next year.

What is wrong with you, subhuman mutts? How can you be so fat?

Attached: db360-fig4.gif (560x311, 7.54K)

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what exactly are you afraid of buddy?

Big pharma Jews make billions on obese mutts that need meds for diabetes, hypertension, cancer etc.

If I had it my way you would be required to prove that you have an IQ of 100 or higher and a healthy BMI to vote

I'm wondering what is the obesity rate for WASPs, probably close to 0%.

This is good. Undoubtly blacks and hispanics lead in those numbers. Hopefully Corona-chan kills all of them and then numbers will be in our favor.

Probably 20% more so

Spics and niggers drag our numbers down.

Na, that is too high, as if you would have any frame of reference.
