You know this entire mess isn't even about racism. It's about whites losing power.
In the past being white in America was a free ticket to prosperity. You got a first picks and good jobs, which lead a being able to sustain a family, and an easy life. Now that people of different ethnicity are entering congress they are upsetting whites nepotistic culture. Young white males no longer get free prosperity handed to them simple because of their skin color. Now they have to compete and earn their way like everyone else has to.
White culture dying out means an end to their nepotistic ways, and the birth of a society truly based on meritocracy.
Would the Japanese oppose becoming a minority within Japan? Would anyone welcome becoming a minority in their own country?
Julian Martin
I don't like nepotism even if it means the end of my own race. Everyone should pull their own weight without everything being handed to them by their parents or due to cultural norms.
Elijah Price
It's not about nepotism, it's about having a socially cohesive society.
It's not a white thing. It's everyone losing power.
This is literally a result of income in equality . But Fox news has brainwashed you into thinking this only applies to minorities and LGBT , so don't worry about it an sleep making money for me Goldberg while your keep losing quality of life.